Saturday 11 March 2017

Met Opera - a production without balls !

12th March 2017
Yesterday 18 people here read my blog. THANK YOU.

Do have a look at my DIARY.

Yesterday evening I went to my favourite cinema complex to watch a performance of La Traviata beamed in from the Met Opera in New York. I had wondered in advance if an American company could do justice to the production of a Verdi Opera. The answer was a resounding NO !

Giuseppe Verdi supposedly said that he wanted to write opera with balls. The last thing this production had was balls. The moment the orchestra struck up, the music was hollow and lacking, as Verdi put it - BALLS !  The soloists were good but were not properly supported by the musicians.

The rendition of Brindisi - The Drinking Song, was weak from beginning to end.

I like my theatre in all forms to be traditional. Traditional means a set looking something like this.

The Met Opera thought this looked better !  There was no set and as a result any atmosphere it should have created just not there.

What few props there were came from Ikea.

As for costumes I presume they were obtained from a local charity shop. Alfredo's jacket and shirt did not fit properly and his tie fastened using a schoolboy knot rather than the adult, sophisticated Windsor method. Sophistication was not part of this production. The boxer shorts Alfredo appeared in at the start of act two no doubt came from the sale rail within George at Asda !

The mediocrity continued right to the end. The flowers with which Violetta was presented in the applause looked as if they had been picked up as an afterthought from a petrol filling station.

What a dreadful failure this production was. If Giuseppe Verdi was looking on he most certainly would not have liked what he saw.

Before moving on let me play you The Brindisi as it should be sung !

That comes from my YouTube collection which has now reached 120 videos. Yesterday I started my Strauss Collection, something I have been promising to do for several weeks. At the moment there are only two pieces in the collection but all being well today I plan to add Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka, Thunder and Lightning Polk and The Radetzky March.

I always carry my notebook and pen with me then when I have a moment in my life where nothing is happening I scribble away working on my latest story.

Yesterday, sitting waiting for the start of La Traviata I penned a few more hundred words for my story THE FIRES OF HELL This is still very much in the introductory stage. I am going to have to do a lot more research before I can take it beyond this stage.

I have just clicked my Visa Card at Amazon and purchased Dennis Wheatley's novel The Devil Rides Out. As an older teeanager when I had dreams of being a writer this was my favourite book. Ido not plan to nick ideas from Dennis Wheatley but reading it while I write my own story may get me into the right mood for my first attempt at a satanic composition.

Now that I have finished rewriting my cyber library shelf can I invite you to TAKE A LOOK AT THE WRITINGS OF MAX ROBINSON.........

My task for next week it to find lots of friends to check the library out.

I think I will leave my blog there for today but before going do let me share my MUSIC TO MAKE YOUR DAY GO WELL and BEAUTIFUL MUSIC TO END YOUR DAY which I have added below.

So THANK YOU for reading what I am up to. Have a superb Sunday. Speak again tomorrow.


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