Thursday 23 March 2017

OK Mr Z you cop a load of this !

FRIDAY 24th March 2017

Yesterday 19 people read my blog. Hey THANK YOU but were were the rest of you ?

There I was yesterday bombing along the A421 from Milton Keynes towards Buckingham when I felt the car start to pull to the left. Then there was a rumbling sound.  I pulled over to find the front tyre in shreds, smoking and the alloy totally destroyed.

I won't type here the word I said - Blogger may well ban this entry. You can probably guess what it was.  Here's a clue - It started with an S and ended with T.  When I have finished writing this blog I am going to my TrustPilot profile where I will be praising The RAC and
Kipling Tyres who came to my rescue.

Hey - you - Mr Z are you  reading this blog ?

I've cracked that silly facebook thing of yours !  I am afraid that after all the years I have said what a load of old rubbish it is I am making it work !

A big HI to those who have become my friends on this social media platform thingy.  There are 12 of you. 17.1k followers on Twitter but I guess facebook will soon catch me up.

Some of these friends come from my youth when I worked as a management trainee in Lewis's Limited, Birmingham. I have brainstormed a load of memories from those two wonderful years when I was a teenager.

I will soon write these up in an autobiography of those happy times.

I have, of course, already written my childhood autobiography in THINGS WERE DIFFERENT IN MY DAY and - blush, blush - embarrassed or what, people are reading it !

To those who have started following me on facebook and were my students when I was head of year at Leon you may like to take a look and see what a bad boy Sir was !

Do you remember The Leon Disco, I don't think we ran it when my final year group was there, but before then we had regular discos and even those 24 Disco Marathons, anyone remember them ?

I know you used to groan when Sir kicked the lads running the music off the twin deck and took over. I always sped the music up didn't I ?  I used to embarrass you guys and girls playing silly records like these.

I have created a new collection within my YouTube Channel and will be playing a lot more over the next few days.  I have 140 pieces of music on-line and yesterday hit 1,000 visitors. Not exactly viral is it ?  Just as when we had that school disco looks like people do not approve of my of my musical tastes.

You know what I say though !


Here's a quick pic of me doing just that !  The picture works a lot better if you play the music above.

OK I don't quite look like that these days.

WHO SAID THAT ! You cheeky sod !  I don't look like that either.

Back to those teenage years at Lewis's in Birmingham. Tony who was in my group of friends back then hasn't found me on facebook yet.

Tony, if you do find me after all those decades can I tell you just how envious we all were of you. Everyone in our group of mates would have take a pay cut and left their departments, I worked in Soft Furnishings on the third floor, to come and work with you.

Tony was supervisor in the record department. Lewis's record department in the magical decade.

Oh I have got to play another silly song. Let me break off writing for a moment and see what I can find.

Hang on a moment - or tu use the vernacular BRB.

Ok I've done it.

I DARE you to play this song. Go on you'll love it then hate me for playing it.

Mr Z - you listen to it as well !



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