Tuesday 14 March 2017


WEDNESDAY 15th March 2017

Yesterday 27 people read my blog. THANK YOU.

Today I want to ask for some help and advice with my latest story. I have published a separate  page explaining what I need. Please CLICK HERE and take a look.

Don't be shy - please get back to me after you have read it.

I am trying hard to build up a FACEBOOK profile but not exactly getting anywhere !  I am getting a bit of a complex about the lack of friends.

Please do not let me be the Billy Nomates of Facebook - make my day and follow me.

Now speaking of making my day - your day - everyone's day......... here is my choice of MUSIC TO MAKE YOUR WEDNESDAY GO WELL.

Click below, listen and take the theme with you all day. Let it influence your day and make it better.

Yesterday I completed my YouTube Strauss Collection

Now I have no fewer than 129 themes on YouTube.  Today I plan to add a few more years to my BIRTHDAY COLLECTION. I have reached 39 - still got a way to go !

On a personal note it is now one week since I went to the dentist and had twelve teeth taken out. My mouth is still sore and swollen, I know I am speaking funny and have not eaten properly since the surgery. My diet consists of jelly and pancakes. I could murder a McDonald's cheeseburger ! 

I used the dentist's chair and sedation as the portal for my TIME TRAVEL TRILOGY.  Have you checked it out ?

You can download it for 99p from Amazon or check it out for free on my LIBRARY SHELF.

In a TWITTER survey I conducted a few days a go my supporters said HM Queen Elizabeth II's favourite genre for story reading was TIME TRAVEL.

I wonder what Preesident Trump's favourite is.

Do have a look at my other blog posting for today, see if you can help me. CLICK HERE

Speak again tomorrow.

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