Sunday 12 March 2017

Magic Monday

MONDAY 13th MARCH 2017 

Today's Monday, Today's Monday - Monday is washing day, Is everybody happy ? You bet your life we are !

Are you old enough to remember that song ?

Yesterday 24 people checked out my blog - let's see how many are interested i  what I ramble on about today !

Being Monday I have a new diary page - PLEASE TAKE A LOOK.

This week my sole aim is to find as many people as I can ti check out my story library. THE STORY LIBRARY OF WRITER MAX ROBINSON.

All readers are WELCOME. I'll be pulling all of the social media stops out today. 

Are you following me on TWITTER ?  There was a time when I called Twitter The Infernal Avian but I retract my skepticism, with more then seventeen thousand followers Twitter woks well for me. Not coming from the social media generation that's something ! 

However, I have in the past struggled with FACEBOOK. Yesterday I set up a new account and am looking for FRIENDS TO FOLLOW ME. Would you be so kind ?

Are you wondering which story I have in my library that features the amazing Freddie Mercury ?

Freddie appears in the story THE GREAT PRETENDER.

It is my story THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BILLY HARDCASTLE that is angering Mr Churchill.

I am not sure what book President Trump has read. Perhaps, could be, possibly..........................

What ever it was you read Mr President I am glad you enjoyed it.

Hey Donald, you are STILL not following me on TWITTER are you ?

Today I want to write more for my latest story THE FIRES OF HELL. I want to complete the introduction. 

I am setting this black magic story in a real place, a place I have known of for decades but have never actually been to.

I need to get into my car, drive to the Bedfordshire village of Clophill and find out for myself if the aura people say exists within this ruined church is true or not.

It is entirely a coincidence but in my book THE CASE FILES OF DAVE McDERMOTT his rather strange and confusing third case has a criminal inspired by James Hanratty who was one of the last people in Britain to be executed.

James Hanratty's picture actually appears on the cover.

I don't want to confuse you reading this blog but Hanratty raped one victim and murdered another not far from Clophill.

Anyway, perhaps I will speak more about that on another day.

So will you help me this week ?  Help me to find readers for my stories ?

FREE reads can be found within my website library ? THE STORY LIBRARY OF MAX ROBINSON

All of my books are available as e-book downloads on Amazon for £0.99p

If you like a story I simply ask that you support me by dropping in to Amazon and spending 99 pence - in US$ terms that's about sixty cents.

No obligation but THANK YOU if you do.

The weather forecast for today is good so I want to spend time in the garden. Right at the bottom of the garden is the summer house I built a few years ago.

This has been closed up for the winter but I want to open it and use it as my writing office over the coming months.

Well it's almost time to bring my blog to a close but before I do let me speak briefly about things which are happening on my YouTube Channel.

In my Birthday Collection where I play the number one hit from my birthday each year I have reached 1988

I have been promising for weeks to start a STRAUSS COLLECTION. This is now happening and has five pieces of music in it so far. This is my favourite.

See what you think.

Finally here is today's MUSIC TO START YOUR DAY.

And something special for you to listen to this evening:

Make sure you have a FANTASTIC DAY.

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