Sunday 19 March 2017

Fireball XL5

My grandson Adam came round this afternoon. For a few weeks now I have been writing a story for him - FIREBALL XL5.  Adam gives me the ideas and I write the story round them.

I have been pestering him for ages to draw pictures to illustrate the story. Adam has been very reluctant.

As a proud granddad I am happy to boast that Adam is right at the top of his year group. His best subject is Maths, he loves reading, writing stories and is a bit of a sportsman. One thing he tells me he simply is no good at is drawing.

The only subject I failed at school was art. Adam, it would appear, takes after me and not his Nan who was head of art in a large comprehensive school.

But to shut his silly old granddad up Adam came round today to make some cartoon illustrations for the story.

Yes Adam, I see where you are coming from ! I can't draw. However, when people read our story and the way I have described Robert the Robot I think this little cartoon could be considered quite representational.

In the story so far FIREBALL XL5 used up more rocket fuel than expected on take off from Earth so has to pull in to refuel at Mrs Emma's Rocket Station which orbits one of the moons of Mars. It is there that Adam finds Candyland.

Candyland is an idea for the story Adam came up with. Today he drew a map of Candyland.

I have a very busy week ahead of me but I MUST make time to write more of this story for Adam.

So as they say - watch this space.

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