Sunday 26 March 2017


MONDAY 27th March 2017

Hey - yesterday only 11 people read my blog.  Where have you all gone to ? 

They tell me that the Dark Side Of The Moon is quite nice this time of the year. Is that where you have all legged it off to ?

Or have I just developed a bad case of cyber BO ?

Well let's see what today brings.

I am a lucky guy you know. I have four fantastic grandchildren. Adam, who will be seven years old in May is the oldest.

Yesterday Adam was in the car with me. I had burned my YouTube silly music on to a CD and was playing it. I always have the volume turned up loud, it's the only way to listen to music.

Look at Adam you wouldn't think butter could melt in his mouth would you.

WARNING - do not be deceived. His personality fires out of him like a machine gun. He can cut me down to size with his wit.

When the CD came to play this song I could hear Adam in the back of the car singing along, he knew all the words.

Looks like his musical tastes may be similar to his silly old granddad.

Adam likes to think he is a bit of a photographer.

Yesterday he took this picture of his silly old granddad and posted it on my facebook page.

I love you too Adam !

Adam came with me yesterday to visit my daughter, his auntie, who is very poorly in The Churchill Hospital, Oxford. She will be OK but times for my family is not easy right now. I am typing this blog at 4.30am, in another hour I will be setting off again to Oxford to spend the day with her.

As I drive the 40 or so miles to Oxford I will have that same silly CD playing in the car.  Does that sound daft ?  The thing is by the time I get to the ward my mood will be so uplifted and silly I will be able to cope with the hospital and lift my daughter's spirit. Which brings me to my Though4Today.

That is so true isn't it ?

Talking of smiles, do you like my smile in Adam's picture ?  I have had some major dental work done so struck the pose to emphasize it.

Back to that YouTube Collection.  There were a couple of tracks I did not play:


I thought perhaps these were a bit PG and as Adam's Dad, my son, was also in the car with us he may not approve.  You can listen of course.

So, to bring this blog to an end can I ask you to SMILE your way through today.

Speak again tomorrow.

On the subject of being patriotic.

Something for the remoaner in chief.

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