Sunday 2 September 2018

Crazy week coming up

I have a CRAZY week coming up. I tell you if you read all of today's blog you will be crazy by the end of it.

But there is something here on today's page for everyone. 

From the National Trust to Sheffield Wednesday FC.... From Ronald McDonald House to The Irish Centre ....From Leonites to The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager.

Maureen is away this week, she is going on a Shearings Holiday to Llandudno, that's not far from Bangor is it ? 

I am playing this song on today's page for Maureen and all of our wonderful friends at Shearings. I'll be playing it again on Wednesday, live on my radio show.

Shearings named a coach after Rebekah. How lovely is that ?

I was planning a quiet relaxing week while Maureen is away but Josh has other ideas. Little git !

OK, an update on our car boot sale this week-end. On Saturday at Bletchley Irish Centre we made £38.85. That means THREE tins will be donated to The Food Bank. We buy a tin for every £10 we make.

Here's a lovely piece of music for our wonderful friends at Bletchley Irish Centre. 

On Sunday we took £67.50 at the Milton Keynes Bowl boot sale. That's another six tins for The Food Bank.

Here's a picture of Josh and Jelena delivering tins our efforts had collected to The Food Bank.

John, boss of Milton Keynes Food Bank, I want to invite you to be a guest on a future show.

On Sunday I stood high up at the Bowl and looked down on all below. Somewhere was the Jag, Josh and Jelena working away selling STUFF from our tables.

My mind drifted to some of the great names who have played Milton Keynes Bowl - Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Queen, David Ashford, Josh and Jelena Morgan !

You are not going to believe this !

Josh is saying we should do an afternoon car boot sale on Saturday - AFTER the sale at the Irish Centre.

Three sales each week-end.

JOSH this next song is for you !

On Saturday Sheffield Wednesday won away from home. Well done lads.

Part of the money from our boot sales sponsors the goals you score for Ronald McDonald House
working with Birmingham Childrens Hospital, Sheffield Childrens' hospital and Ward Five in Milton Keynes Hospital.

Lads, this song is for you and I'll play it for you on Wednesday's show.

YES, my Wednesday scarf will be proudly displayed on the broadcast desk.

After the week-end we do not have a lot left to sell at the boot
sales, I thought we would get a week-end off but with Josh's ambition to go to three sales instead of the two we will need a lot of stuff to sell. "Yeh, yeh,"  I said. Then he announced he planned to spend the week on Gumtree finding lots to sell.

What is Gumtree. I wonder if you could find such a tree in an English Country Garden !

Scott, Operations Manager at Stowe National Trust Gardens, I played that song for you. I hope I can persuade you to be a guest on my show one week.

On Tuesday, I am planning to take Josh and Jelena out to Stowe for the day as a thank you for all their help with the boot sales and music events.

Maureen and I went to Stowe last week when I took this picture.

Baby swans. Let's play this.....

On this week's show I will be wiping out the myth that Elvis Presley did not come to England. Of Course he did and I will be sharing evidence with the world.

Elvis Presley features extensively in my new book. I have just finished the opening chapter, you can read all about Elvis by CLICKING HERE.

This week, in between running everywhere to pick up Josh's gum trees, I plan to work on chapter two where Elvis Presley's brief visit to England will be reported.

In my book this song features.

Here's a young couple cutting the cake at their wedding.

My radio show on 12th September will be dedicated to all married couples, their weddings and their anniversaries.  I will be asking you to tell me your wedding songs. I will then play them on the show.

The young couple in the two pics are my Mum and Dad who in two weeks time will be celebrating their 70th wedding

Dad is now 94 years old and Mum 90.

WATCH THIS SPACE - I will be asking you to share your wedding songs for me to play on the show.

I will be playing that song on this week's show. It is the first record he ever owned.

I will also play it for Ro, manager of Wrigglies Exotic Pets. Seen here with Mayor David Hopkins I believe that Ro is one of the most inspirational men in all of Milton Keynes. 

Ro, I am coming up to see you this week to persuade you to be on my show. I'll be bringing Josh and Jelena with me as back up.

Ro is a punk rocker !  Before Josh's time PUNK and he could not believe some of the songs I played to him. Could never play the likes of Friggin In the Riggin or Who Killed Bambi on live radio nor even here on the blog but I could get away with this.......................

Ro, I am 67 years old. You will be delighted to learn that two weeks ago I became a vegetarian. 

I plan to play that in on my September 12th show.

At yesterday's boot sale there was a guy selling 78rmp records.


Is anyone old enough to remember 78's ?

At the boot sales Josh is Sales Manager, Jelena is manager of the ladies knickers department - I mean - ladies clothing department.  Here she is with one of our regular customers. I am going to play this for our number one customer, a great Black Lace fan.

Here's a song for the manageress of our laddies department. I think I can get away playing it here but promise not to play it on live radio !

Oooooppppssss !

Blog readership has now soared past 70,000. Must be the music I play !
When I received an e-mail immediately after last week's show from Buckingham Palace my heart skipped a beat and went BOOM thinking Her Majesty had tuned in.

No, it was a confirmation e-mail that Queen Elizabeth will be sending an anniversary card to Mum and Dad.


At our boot sales we promote Blood and Organ Donors. I love our NHS. Last week I played this on the radio for our amazing wonderful, incredible NHS. Let's play it again. Josh thought it was a bit politically incorrect as it took the mickey out of Asian doctors' accents. Naff off Josh !

On Sunday we palled up with a guy on the stall next to us. I have played a song for Maureen in Wales, I have played something for our Irish friends. This is for our car boot sale friend from North of the Border.

On the window of the car at the boot sales is a Sheffield Wednesday sticker. At some sales a guy comes by wearing a Sheffield Wednesday shirt. For this Milton Keynes Owl and all up in The Steel City let me play this....

My Wednesday scarf is much traveled.

I have been rambling on a bit haven't I ?

THANK YOU to all who have given us STUFF to sell on the boot sales. Your kindness has helped us to help three childrens' hospitals, The Food Bank and our NHS Blood and Organ Transplant programme.

Be it our two sales at Milton Keynes Bowl and the Irish Centre or Josh's silly idea to go to THREE sales we do need more STUFF to sell.  Offer received with gratitude. Hit me via FACEBOOK or drop me an e-mail 

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