Tuesday 11 September 2018

Today is Tomorrow - Tomorrow is Yesterday

For many years now I have got out of bed round about 4am, over the past two years I have begun my day by writing my blog. It takes me round about ninety minutes to put the page together so rather than get out of bed extra early on Wednesday mornings I am now writing tomorrow's blog today.

So here I am at 1pm on Tuesday talking about 6am tomorrow.

Before I play the first piece of music may I pick up on a kind comment from CRMK Presenter Robert on the shirt I was wearing for last week's show. Above is  what I
will be wearing tomorrow.

You can listen to Robert's show and an amazing collection in the CRMK schedule with something for everyone's taste - simply CLICK HERE.

Go on CLICK !

Here's something I want to play on a future show. I am including here the full YouTube posting so you can see that  this amazing piece of music comes from Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes in 1986.

Compare that with the original Stevie Wonder hit from 1984. In every country it was released it made it to number one.

So which is the best version ?  For my money it has to be the lad from Radcliffe School. Lad ?  If he was fifteen years old when that video was made he would now be forty-seven. Does anyone know him ? I'd love to have him on a show.

Yesterday I threw out on Facebook a request for local bands whose music I could feature. Michael Ivory pointed me towards this group:

I like it !  I'll soon be working on my show for 26th September and do want to feature some local bands and their music.

To listen to CRMK go to www.crmk.co.uk and click on LISTEN.  I am the new boy at the station so there's not a lot in the archive but you can listen to my two previous shows by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow my next door neighbour Graham, who runs a local disco, will be with me in the studio sharing our musical moments.

We will talk of groups who played at Milton Keynes Bowl and Wilton Hall.

Everything goes live at 6am so make sure you TUNE IN.

I am listening now to CRMK as I write the blog, tomorrow's blog. Broadcasting is Richard on his show BEYOND THE POLES.

I've been talking too much, where's the music ?  This is on tomorrow's show.

The central character in my new book has just left working as a DJ on a pirate radio station and is on his way to San Francisco to take up a new job on Radio Golden Gate.

You can read the first chapter in DRAFT form by CLICKING HERE. DRAFT - complete with all the typos.

And the second chapter as written so far by CLICKING HERE.

When DJ Max, who will eventually become The Geriatric DJ, reaches San Francisco and Golden Gate Radio he is in for a bit of a
shock !

Yes, he will be playing pop music just as he did from the boat in the North Sea but he is also expected to host an early morning show Wake Up to the Classics.

But Max knows nothing at all about classical music.

Fortunately I do. I will educate him.

Listeners to my show on CRMK could be forgiven for thinking Retro Pop is my thing. Yep, I love retro pop but I also love classical music and know more about it than I do about retro pop.

I have, therefore, built a few playlists for DJ Max, or as his new stage name in America will be Dave Maxwell-Robinson.

Isn't that a lovely piece of music ?

Please let me indulge myself. Here's a bit of opera.


My teddy bear mascot BEN will be in the studio tomorrow, complete with his new headphones.

Ben is going to play a song which he will dedicate to me. It's number ten in the playlist so I guess it will be hitting the air round about quarter to seven.

Do tune in and support Ben - CLICK HERE - as he seeks to wind me up by playing this !

Ben still does not have any clothes to wear, I have asked my wife Maureen to make him some, so perhaps I should play this for Ben !


I have popped this into DJ Dave Maxwell-Robinson's playlist.

Ballet is my favourite genre of classical music.

When I go to watch a performance by the Royal Ballet I like how students from the ballet school are included. The Royal Ballet School as in Billy Elliot.

What do you think about this version ?  Something my grandson Adam and I made three years ago ?

Can I play one more bit of classical music before I end the page today ?  The Russian dance from The Nutcracker. My fav part in my fav ballet.

I'll let you into a secret. When The Royal Ballet comes to San Francisco DJ Dave Maxwell-Robinson will fall in love with a ballerina.

To end here's a bit of OPERA and RETRO POP. there never was a teenage opera - SADLY.

I was about to sign off when a Facebook message came in from a listener in America:  Here are a couple of my former bands. First I am playing guitar second, I am on bass. 

Love it STEVE. Listen in tomorrow - 10pm to midnight in your part of the world. I am defo going to put PAINT IT BLACK into the playlist.

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