Wednesday 5 September 2018

I love being a radio DJ

All you Wednesday Owls please note the scarf I am wearing in the studio !

My finger is on the fader about to play something for all LEONITES, including Sir John Leon - 4th Baronet but better known as British actor John Standing

I love being a radio DJ - I can not get enough of it !

OK this was just my second show on Radio CRMK and I am nervously awaiting my audience figures but broadcasting is so much fun.

I did not write a blog on Wednesday morning ahead of the show but Tuesday's blog pulled 1,017 readers. I just hope some of you clicked and listened to my show.

Let's have a bit of music from the show......

Mine may be an early morning broadcast but i like to help my listeners start off their day with a bounce.

Hey you Wednesday Owls I hope you were listening when I played this for you.

My teddy bear mascot BEN was in the studio, seen here sharing a breakfast croissant with me.

Ben is not backwards in coming forwards when and time for The Geriatric DJ to become a ventriloquist and put words into his mouth.

If you were listening you would have known it was live radio when Ben and I mis-introduced this next song.

If you were listening you will know that I wiped out the myth that Elvis Presley never came to England, of course he did AND he came to Milton Keynes.

Here's a man whose name is now synonymous with Milton Keynes, Sir John Leon better known as actor John Standing. You were listening when I played a song for you, weren't you John ?

This is John's great-grandmother, Lady Leon. I told listeners how it was her love for Bletchley that brought industry to the area along Watling Street where we now have Tesco, Halfords, Argos and Sports Direct.

Lady Leon, I did not play this song particularly for you but for two employees of the Beacon brushes factory which stood on the land you gave for development.

That was yesterday's show. Before I look forward to next Wednesday I must share this pic.

This is Jelena, aka Mrs Josh. She volunteered to drop into the studio and take some photographs for the blog. She took six then fell asleep. Was my show quite so boring !

Next week I am planning to have a guest in the studio who I hope will NOT fall asleep !  I have asked my next door neighbour Graham, who runs a mobile disco, to help me present the show.  I have asked Graham to select ten songs he really likes, I will select ten then we will play them to each other and chat about why we like them

This is one of my songs....

No prizes for guessing why the Geriatric DJ would want to play that song...he..he..he....

Wednesday 19th September I am putting together a special show for all lovers - young and old !

That week my Mum and Dad celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. I will be playing some special tracks for them but I want their celebration to be just the start for a show celebrating all lovers of the world.  I want you to tell me your wedding song. I will play it for you live on Radio CRMK on The Geriatric DJ's Wednesday Morning Show - Let's Inspire MK.

You can send me your wedding song details by e-mail: or message me on FACEBOOK.

Looking at my draft notes and playlist for this show I think I can fit in about ten dedications and requests so first come first served.

I am always saying LIFE IS A DISCO - SO DANCE....

Who spotted this on Wednesday's show  ?

I reminded everyone of my outlook on life, saying that Life is a Disco so Dance.  I then played Helen Shapiro, saying it was a good piece of music to dance to.

That was a hit in 1962. Disco is a phenomena of the 1970's. NO it was not a deliberate mistake, it does not matter what music you use to dance your way through life providing you do DANCE.

Earlier this week the Geriatric DJ had a senior moment. I misplaced the remote control to my TV. I have searched and searched and searched for it. In vain.

I then ordered a replacement from Amazon. Another senior moment, I put in the wrong details for my new Visa card so Amazon could not take the
money. I have fixed that but the replacement unit will not be delivered until tomorrow. That means I can not watch TV tonight !

Oh dear, what a shame, never mind !

I am, therefore, going to write some more of my latest book THE FANTASIES OF A GERIATRIC DJ.

If you CLICK HERE you can read the draft of the fist chapter.  CLICK HERE to read what I have so far written in Chapter Two.

Here's a song which runs all the way through that first chapter.

And this brings the chapter to its end.

This evening I will work on the second chapter which takes our teenage DJ away from working on a pirate radio station to present music on Golden Gate Radio.

I told you Elvis Presley came to England. He came to take the central character in my book to California and San Francisco.

I ended yesterday's show telling people the only way to appreciate what a beautiful world we all live in is to rise above the rubbish we tread our way through each day, to view everything only from ON TOP OF THE WORLD.

I love being a radio DJ - catch my show next week.

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