Wednesday 19 September 2018

OMG so much happening !

OMG so much happening !  I need half a dozen hands to do it all.

Can you help ?

I thought yesterday's radio show went OK,couple of technical issues but I rode through them. Beyond that I felt it was the best show so far, Bit disappointed I did not receive feedback but perhaps you have not listened yet.

The podcast is available - CLICK HERE to listen.

PLEASE will you tell me something ?

What is your favourite BEATLES number. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

I am, of course, a paperback writer myself although I have to confess I have not written anything for my latest book for a few weeks. I need to discipline myself and organise my time better.

In my story the central character is about to present a new radio show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS. Starting at 6am on Thursday next week, 27th September, I will be presenting a second show on Radio CRMK - Wake Up With The Classics.

Tell me, what is your favourite STONES number. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Following yesterday's broadcast I came home, changed out of my hippie shirt and smartened myself up. I then went to
spend time in a school where I am going to join the board of governors.

I am very cynical about education today, it is not what it was in my day !  No it isn't ! After spending time in that school yesterday I realised it is ten and more times better !  I came away so impressed, so amazingly impressed. WOW  !

Hippie shirt ?  What is your favourite HIPPIE number. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Today I am popping up to see my Mum and Dad. They did not listen to yesterday's radio show, they have not yet discovered the invention of The Internet !  I burned the songs from the show which I sub-titled LOVERS OF THE WORLD UNITE on to a CD and wrote out the show script for them. On Tuesday they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. I am eager to see the card Her Majesty sent them.

OK, so tell me what is your favourite QUEEN number. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Sunday 21st October Maureen and I celebrate FORTY years of marriage. We are going away to Devon for a long week-end. We love Devon and eventually plan to retire to the lovely county.

When our holiday is over I will be presenting a third show on Radio CRMK, another early morning show - 6am to 8am MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION. The first show will air on Tuesday 30th October.

Right, this time tell me your favourite ROCK AND ROLL number. Hard choice for me but it would have to be something from The Everley Brothers, probably this.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Just look !  Those STUPID geeks at Google are screwing up the page formatting here on Blogger. I can not justify the text. 

I thing they heard me LOL - it's working now. DAMN GEEKS !

Do you ever listen to THE BEACH BOYS ?  If you do what is your favourite track ? This is mine ?

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Why all these questions about your favourite music ?

Next week's LET'S INSPIRE show on Radio CRMK next week is all about THE MILTON KEYNES WALK OF FAME.

Wednesday 3rd October it is INSPIRATION AND DEDICATIONS.

Wednesday 10th October is INSPIRING SUPPORT

Tell me, what is your favourite CLIFF RICHARD track ? This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

With three, it could actually become four, shows to present each week I need to plan well ahead. On Friday I am meeting with another radio station to explore my hosting a show there.

So, Let's Inspire MK on Wednesday 17th October will be my playing my favourite tracks featuring different artists within the retro pop genre, I want you to tell me your favourite so I can include them in the playlist.

That said, what is your favourite ELTON JOHN number. Here's mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

I have that on vinyl and will be playing it on the fist vinyl
collection show on Tuesday 30th October. But first let me tell you something about Wake Up With the Classics which will start next week.

Yes, I love retro pop, of course I do, but my greater love is classical music and my knowledge of classical music is far greater than pop from the 50's, 60's and 70's.

WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS each week will feature a composer of the week. The music will not be exclusively from that composer but he will have a central part in the show. Next week my featured composer will be a certain Mr Mozart.

There will also be a weekly feature DIPPING INTO GILBERT AND SULLIVAN.

Amidst all this music the car boot sales continue.

We are taking Saturday off but will be at Milton Keynes Bowl on Sunday. We are getting a bit short of stuff to sell so if you want to turn out your cupboards, loft, shed and garage all donations would be accepted with much gratitude.

So what is your favourite ABBA track ?  This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

I have my fingers crossed as I await the audience figure from yesterday's show. The week before they were up by 50% on the week before.  To listen to the podcasts of all shows CLICK HERE. I see that 56 friends have checked out the podcasts over the past week.

What do you consider to be your number one CARPENTERS track. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

2.12am !  An hour ago I could not sleep so I got up and came to the laptop to start writing today's page. Now I am tired so I am going back to bed. I'll come back in a while and finish writing.

4.27am - I am back to finish writing the page.

As I was heading upstairs I passed the dining room table. My phone was there and flashed up with two incoming
messages, both from Josh. I called him. As I was going to bed for the second time to sleep he and Jelena were heading off for the first time. One of the messages said he hoped the show had gone well. AH SOMEONE COMMENTED LOL. Thanks m8.

It feels a lot longer than eight months since I first me Josh and Jelena aka Mrs Josh, seen here recently delivering gifts we had collected for The Food Bank, rough sleeping and homeless.  It was you, my readers and friends, who helped me change that situation. In February we secured temporary accommodation for them and now they have their own home.

They have come a million miles but would be the first to admit they have another zillion miles to go. Life is very tough for them at the moment as they fight to resolve some major issues, fight with ZERO help from "The System".

Jelena said to me: You have never, ever judged us.

That's not quite true. I judge within both of my friends qualities which bad luck and mistakes have obscured from view. Qualities of love and goodness which deserve to be brought out.

Calling Josh a few hours ago I said to him: When you become the great man I know you will be you will look back on these times and smile. He laughed but I know it is true.

A few weeks ago I told Josh of all the failures in my own life, things which could be used to judge me. Oh yes, I have had a lot of them !  My words went in one ear and straight out the other, my friend was not interested in failure. The last thing my he was going to do was to judge me.

This song comes from my youth and is on the playlist for my show on Wednesday 10th October.

Josh says I play too much silly music.


Life is more fun if you are a bit SILLY.

This is currently Josh's favourite SILLY track.

This is mine. What is yours ?

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Yesterday 136 people read the blog. Since I started writing almost two years ago the total readership stands at 74,772. Be great if I could hit 100,000 by Christmas.

How many of you know who THE DRIFTERS are. Those who do what is your favourite track ?

This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Bit of a long page today.  I wonder how many people are still reading !

Can you see why I need the hands of an octopus ?

  • Three radio shows to prepare and broadcast each week. Possibly a fourth on the horizon.
  • OK only one this week but usually two car boot sales to run.
  • Returning to education as a governor of a truly amazing school.
  • A novel to write.
  • A new season of Radio Love community music about to start.
  • A football club to support. Ooooppppss they lost yesterday.
Hey, what is your favourite DAVID BOWIE track. This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

The day I left Leon School Headmaster Bruce Abbott said I reminded him of Blodin the tightrope walker who was not just content with walking the rope but would juggle half a dozen balls as he walked.

A former student said to me he remembers me racing round the corridor at school with never than half a dozen different projects on the go.

I would not have it any different.

What is your favourite MANFRED MAN number ?  This is mine.

Drop me an e-mail at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

Please tell me your favourite tracks so I can build them into the LET'S INSPIRE playlist for Wednesday 17th October.

Tune in next Wednesday at 6am for Let's Inspire MK. Go to and click on LISTEN.

Then tune in again on Thursday for Wake Up With The Classics.

Go on, give my ego a boost and put my audience figures into

If you are a sleepy Joe you can listen to the PODCAST - CLICK HERE

Anyone with marketing skills fancy becoming my agent to market my books ? Help me make a fortune. I'll split the money 50/50 with you.

Anyone got any stuff we could sell at the car boot sales ?

Anyone recognise this guy ?  YOU, the BBC Licence Fee Payer put two point two MILLION pounds into his pocket every year for his broadcasting on BBC Radio One. Even the lowest paid BBC DJ's are  paid  one hundred and fifty grand a year !  Anyone fancy helping me get a show on The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation.

What is your favourite track played by BBC Radio One ?  No don't answer that.  This is mine.

5.26am - time to check the blog, take out the typo's although I like to leave one or two in for those who take delight in finding them. Then I will sign off with this. If I had one pound for every time I have quoted this piece I would make the obscene pay packets of BBC Radio One DJ's look like small change !

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