Sunday 9 September 2018

David or Dave ?

David or Dave ?

Left if David Ashford - Yours Truly, the picture was taken last Wednesday.

Do I really look like that ?  Ugly old sod.

Below is Dave Ashford.


The other day I was driving, the phone rang. Josh was with me so I asked him to answer it. It was Maureen. Josh took a message and I said I would call her back.

"She called you DAVE," Josh said.

"Yeh, I used to be known as Dave but as I got older I changed and people started to call me David. only Maureen now still calls me Dave."

"I've always thought of you as Dave," Josh explained, "but I've never called you that. I thought it might offend you.

Let's have a bit of music from DAVE, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch....

I may look DAVID on the outside but I am certainly DAVE on the inside.

So what do you think ?  Should I revert to becoming DAVE and dump DAVID ?

Something from another Dave.

This Wednesday I am bringing my first guest into the studio.

My next door neighbour, Graham, runs retro pop discos. He is joining me with Let's Inspire MK on Wednesday 6am - early start so WAKEY WAKEY,

We have put together a joint playlist of songs we like and songs which have a special meaning for each of us.  This is NOT in the playlist but I like it !

Yesterday Josh, Jelena and DAVE were at the Bowl running our usual boot sale.  We took a stack of vinyl we never use and will never use. OMG how people flocked round us !

I was FLATTERED when two customers said they listened to my show on Radio CRMK.

We had some fantastic conversations with those giving loving homes to the vinyl.

I will let you into a secret I will be playing a David Bowie song on Wednesday and chatting live on radio about - let's give it its proper name - THE NATIONAL BOWL.

One guy told me he was at the 1990 David Bowie concert.

Here's some rare footage of that concert, Major Tom can be heard about two minutes into the video. - CLICK ON LISTEN


When you think of the BIG names that played The Bowl it is sad it has degenerated to become the home for nothing more than a car boot sale, a great car boot sale but still a car boot sale. BUT even if it were to become a major concert venue again where are the bands, where are the likes of David Bowie to play there ?

Teddy bear mascot Ben did not come with us to The Bowl yesterday but I spent a few pennies to buy him a pair of headphones to wear in the studio. Ben will have his spot on Wednesday.

I treated myself to a really cool shirt but you'll have to wait for pictures from Wednesday to see just how cool it is. It's a DAVE shirt, I love it - DAVID, however, would never wear it.

Wednesday 19th September I am dedicating my show - LET'S INSPIRE MK to lovers, old and young round the world.

THANK YOU to all who have sent me your wedding songs, I will be playing them on the show.

Now can someone who is a bit more technical than either Dave or David help me ?

On this link: there is a song JOINING THE CIRCLE which was specially written for Nigel's wedding. Could someone help me
download the song and convert it into MP3 format so I can play it for Nigel and his lovely wife ?

I am not a technical person, wrong generation - David or Dave I am still, after all, The Geriatric DJ.

THANK YOU to the technical department at Radio CRMK for your patience. I have managed to sort my recorded shows. If you CLICK HERE  you can listen to my first two shows.

But back to Milton Keynes Bowl - even The National Bowl. My friend Freddie played The Bowl.

Hey Fred did you sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the Bowl ?

Of course !

I have an original vinyl pressing of Bohemian Rhapsody and would not part with it for a fortune.  It is worth a fortune !  But Freddie have you heard this version of the song ?    It's brilliant !

So what about the show after LOVERS OF THE WORLD UNITE ?

That will be Wednesday 26th September ?

I have an idea. Mr readers know what a LEONITE is. One of my former students from Leon School. I would love to build a show round one or perhaps two LEONITES joining me in the studio on this day. It's an early start !  Bring along some songs you would like me to play, let's enjoy the music, have
fun and chat about Milton Keynes from the 1970's and 1980's.

Bletchley's Lakes Estate holds a special place in my heart.  I spent such a large part of my working life there. Not part of The Milton Keynes Development Corporation but a joint greater London Council and Bletchley Urban District Council, The
Lakes Estate celebrates FIFTY years. Let's bring in some memories and legends from Bletchley's Lakes Estate.

It's an early start, I like to be in the studio soon after five so I can relax, test the system and be ready to push up the broadcast fader at six and start the programme.

5.20am here on Monday as I write this blog. People look at me and think that Retro Pop is my thing. Sure I love it but my knowledge of Classical is far greater and it's a bit of a battle as to which I enjoy the most.


Within classical music my favourite is THE BALLET. That was some music from my favourite ballet The Nutcracker with music from Tchaikovsky. And this is my favourite piece from The Nutcracker.

OPERA - I am addicted to opera. This is my favourite piece, The Brindisi from La Traviata.......

La Traviata = the Fallen Woman = Prostitute. Who would dare write an opera today centred round a prostitute ?  One thing is certain The BORING BBC would ban it.

My favourite piece of classical music is this.

Note the clapping, the audience participation. It is written in my will for this The Radetzky March by Johann Strauss Senior to be played at my funeral. People can then clap to either celebrate my life or say THANK GOODNESS THAT SILLY OLD SOD HAS GONE !

One last piece of classical music then I will return to retro pop.

YES - Life is a DISCO so make sure you DANCE.

BUT - Life is also a BALLET so POINT YOUR TOES.

Let's bring classical music and a retro pop style together in today's last puce of music.

So this is DAVID - DAVE - THE GERIATRIC DJ signing off for today. - CLICK ON LISTEN

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