Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Night At The Opera

Call me old fashioned, call me a prude if you like but I do not expect to see naked performers on the stage of The Royal Opera House.  The nudity last night did not enhance David McVicar's production.

Dmitri Platanias was excellent in the title role and Gilda, played by Lucy Crowe was beautiful.

However, it  was the same age old problem with The Royal Opera House. I would have thought its technical director could have got his act together by now.

I watched Rigoletto yesterday evening in Northampton, the live performance being relayed to 186 different locations around the world. As it always is with these relays, the sound quality was poor. Singers and orchestra were remote and distant. The performance as a result was ruined.

In life I can forgive mistakes, mistakes are part of a learning process but I will not accept
underachieving. People who think they are great yet lack the ability to look at what they are doing and understand it is not being done to a high enough standard are a plague.

I look forward to the technical director of The Royal Opera House  being given extended gardening leave.

Time for today's weather report from our very own ANDY.

And now for the Wednesday morning theme from my YouTube Channel. 

That's tune is something Secklow Presenter Catherine Rose played at the recent Roadshow. Catherine presents one of the station's best shows, number six in the audience's on-demand rating. CHECK IT OUT.  I wonder what Katherine will make of my review of last night's performance of Rigoletto. 

I guess you could have a pop at me but please do not accuse me of underachieving - PLEASE. It took me three hours yesterday to write the blog and so it did not get on-line until six o'clock. As a result readership was down to 125. It is now ten past six today and I am about half way through  writing  the blog !

I am afraid I seriously overslept this morning, got up at five. I am still tired. I'll let you into a secret, I fell asleep in the final act of Rigoletto last night, I woke up at the curtain call. That, in itself, says something about the sound quality at The Royal Opera House.

I am going to play something now for LEONITE Rachel. I liked your posing on Facebook yesterday, I won't mention your sarcastic comment about my singing voice.

Maureen and I saw David Essex on the London Stage almost 40 years ago. The producers of Evita did not need to put nude actors on stage ! AND they knew how to get the sound levels correct !

I never did see HAIR !

Just been to Amazon and waved my Visa Debit card for £9.99 to get the DVD of this show.

I sent an e-mail to my good friend and club director Trevor at Sheffield Wednesday yesterday morning. Within minutes he responded with his usual sense of dry humour smiling through the words.

Hey Trevor, how would you fancy The Geriatric DJ playing some music ahead of the games at Hillsborough ?

I added the picture to the Sheffield Wednesday fans page where it went crazy.  One fan asked me to play HI HO SILVER LINING ON TODAY'S BLOG.

Here you go my friend.

ROCK ON HAZEL GIRL - how many are old enough to remember that ?

Let's have the Sheffield Wednesday fans sing that. In my opinion they make a better job of it. (Sorry Mr Beck !)

I will be at Hillsborough on Saturday 24th February watching the boys beat Aston Villa. I will be watching high up in the executive grandstand so I should be able to get some good video for the blog when the fans let rip with Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday.

6.42am - going to have to take the doggies for a walk. BRB.

7.12am - OMG Andy it's cold out there.  Could you arrange for some rain tomorrow ?  That could warm us all up a bit. Hey Andy, let me play a dedication for you.

Now where was I ?

Sheffield Wednesday - OH YES.

I am a Wednesday fan. Secklow 105.5's ace presenter Tony Ingeldow is a a Carlisle United supporter. Yesterday the two teams met at Hillsborough in a cup tie. Opening my e-mail this
morning there was a message from Tony congratulating my team on victory. Wasn't that kind. CHECK OUT TONY'S SHOW

I run the Brummie Owls project where goals the team score are sponsored for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  
Marco Matias and Nuhiu banged the ball into the net last night

Let's play a dedication for these guys.

Anyone fancy being Sports Reporter for the blog ?   SERIOUSLY ?  

One of my regular readers is Birmingham House Manager Libby.   Thank you for your lovely message from yesterday's blog.  This morning Libby will organise THANK YOU cards
for the two goal scorers from last night.

At the end of the month Libby and I are meeting up to chat over a number of different things. I am hoping I may be able to persuade her to let The Geriatric DJ play some music at a party in Ronald McDonald House Brum.  

I have an idea for a MUSIC TOMBOLA. I bet you have never heard of one of them before have you. What do you think Libby ?

Libby this is for you and all your wonderful team at Ronald McDonald House in the glorious city of Brum.

On my way back from the opera last night I popped a CD - NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL THE 60's into the player.

While I was listening I had an idea. How about I make up a series of playlists:

The Gerriatric DJ Plays The 60's - could do one for the 70's, 50's and possibly the 80's. Would definitely want The Gerriatric DJ Plays The Classics. NO I will not be playing The Geriatric DJ Plays Naked Opera !

Each would be an hour long so friends could listen while they worked at their laptops or listen on their phones. To make it happen and broadcast that into the blog I would need a bit of technical support. OFFERS ?  No Mr Technical Director at The Royal Opera House I am NOT speaking to you !

I will be returning to The Royal Opera House's live screening on 7th February to watch a
performance of Tosca.

Catherine Rose, would you allow me to put you forward to The Royal Opera House to conduct the performance ?  That way I am thinking the sound quality may be better, I do not see you allowing it to be what it was last night. 

I will have a word with the wardrobe staff to be certain all cast members have clothes to wear.

Catherine this is for you.

Time now to play the end of the day theme from my YouTube Channel but before I do PLEASE send me requests for music to play tomorrow.

Speak again tomorrow:


aka The Geriatric DJ

aka The Patriotic Pensioner

Have fun and never forget that LIFE IS A DISCO - SO DANCE

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