Wednesday 24 January 2018

This is The Geriatric DJ Miceside on Radio Love International

WELCOME - Bienvenue to our new listeners in France. Your joining our friends yesterday
brings Radio Love International's audience up to FOURTEEN countries.

In a moment we'll play something for these new friends but first let's start our Thursday off with this inspirational theme.

Thursday features The Monkeyees and Daydream Believer ?

Hands up all who are old enough to remember this ?

I am !

So let's have something for our friends across the channel.

Today's page is PACKED with dedications. Plenty for everyone to listen to during the day.

I love this song.

How sad that it was announced yesterday Neil Diamond has had to cancel his tour due to illness. Yesterday was this great singer's 76th birthday. That song was a hit from 1970. I am going to include it in The Geriatric DJ's 1970's collection.

This is still a work in progress, Here's an update.

Yesterday I was in the studio of Secklow 105.5 supporting Tony Ingeldow with his show Afternoon Delight. Between tracks Tony asked me if I had ever heard of this singer.

Fortunately my answer was NO !

Yesterday was my old Dad's 92nd birthday.

Thank you to everyone who sent in birth greetings for Dad.

A little word to say I have made a list of all who said my Dad looks younger than I do !

My Dad is a bit of a Vera Lynn fan so let's play this for him.

Time for Andy's weather report.

Let's play some music for Andy. Andy, I think we are all looking forward to when you will bring us a report a bit like this........

Andy is, of course, a LEONITE. For those not in the know a Leonite is one of my former students. Tomorrow Leonites Dianne and Rachel are meeting up with me to chat about a
possible Leonite reunion. Dianne is giving me a rather special vinyl collection which we can use here on Radio Love International. Leonite Paul gave me a big vinyl collection a while ago, a valuable collect which is being put to good use. Let's also include in this dedication Patrick and his Aladdin's cave of vinyl down there in Dockyard Discs.

I always say IF IT AINT VINYL IT AINT MUSIC. Let's play something from my Vinyl collection for Paul and Dianne. Here played on our traditional disco twin deck by The Geriatric DJ. I am typing this page at 4.42am so this is a rather appropriate song.

Leonite Rachel I know you are a great David Essex fan so this is for you.

That song comes from 1975 and I think needs to be included in my Hits From the 1970's collection.

Mayor David Hopkins was in the Secklow Radio Studio on Monday playing his personal choice of hits from the 1970's.

Can you see my David's left hand a vinyl record player ? That is actually a cake I got for David as a THANK YOU gift. It was actually Weatherman Andy who told me where I could buy a cake like this.

One of Mayor David's chosen tracks I would like to play now. Although this was not in my music choice when I appeared on Frank Scarito's show My Inspiration he spoke about this legendary track. I do love it so Frank and Mayor David here it is for you.

I want to thank all who have sent beautiful messages of love and support for my new friends Josh and Lina. This lovely couple have told me their story, that is private so I can not publish it here but I do have some news to share.

Yesterday Josh came with me to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. Lina was too nervous to come along.

When we got into the car there was a CD in the player which filled the car with music as I started the engine. I reached to turn it off.

"Do not turn it off," Josh said, "I love music."

The song comes from 1959, Josh was born in 1990. Here's the song...

We had a great meeting at the shelter, both Josh and Lina were offered accommodation and help. Josh was excited and wanted to accept the love. I arranged to pick him and his partner of five years, Lina up at five o'clock.

When I approached their tent I was choked. Now my friends this is REAL LOVE. The couple had told me that they are given every day far more food than they could possibly eat, they are inundated with kindness. They had put a box outside the tent with food in it. Josh had drawn up a notice inviting members of the public to take items for themselves. Josh presented item after item to me, asking me to take something home. Lina joined him, gave
me a big hug and instated I accept a gift from them. I took a bag of mini cheddars. THANK YOU JOSH - THANK YOU LINA.

NO, they did not go to the shelter, they spent the night in the tent. Lina was just too nervous. Josh asked if I would go for a short walk with him while he explained a plan. That was again private so I can not share it.

I am going back to see them again this morning, we are all going to take Jake for a walk.

I want to thank all who have given me their love, who have given me support as I have been trying to help these two wonderful young people. Thank you Tracy for that generous message you sent to me overnight.

I am going now to ask for one simple specific thing to help them. Josh wants to play some music at a Radio Love International Roadshow. I told him about the music I played with Secklow Radio in Asda. Josh asked me to teach him about music from the 1960's and 1970's, he only really
knows about music from the 1990's although he loves to listen to any music.

During our conversation I told him about Secklow presenter Catherine Rose playing YMCA at Asda and the rather senior customer coming by doing the actions to the song. He laughed and said "I know that song !"

Let's play it now for Josh and for Catherine Rose.

Now this is the help I need. Josh wants to be a Radio Love International DJ at a roadshow. I need to find a small location where we can take the small digital system to play music. Do
you have a shop, a charity shop, a workplace, a social club or centre - ANYWHERE Josh and I could play music ? In a perfect world that would be week beginning 5th February but it could be next week.

I am, of course, The geriatric DJ. Josh, at 26, is older than I first thought. I asked him to come up with a name for himself. I suggested The Eternal Teenager.

Josh and Lina do not need food. They do not need money. They need a home and they need love.

If the moment is right today I will see if they will let me take a photograph of them to share with you.

Let's have some more music.

This is the favourite song of a particularly dear friend of mine.

This dear friend is going to help me develop the Radio Love International website. PRS/PPL are working with me to approve what we do. I want a system where presenters can play music from home direct into the website. One of those presenters will be THE ETERNAL TEENAGER playing music from his own home.


Let's draw this music page to an end. Here is Thursday's end of the day theme.

Do you recognise the tune ? You've Got A Friend. Isn't that what Radio Love International is all about ?

To close here is the Radio Love International theme tune.

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