Wednesday 3 January 2018

Life is a DISCO - so DANCE

Yesterday the blog achieved a readership of  215. That's not bad but today I want to reach a bigger number. This is a bit of a grasshopper edition as I have so many different things to share. Let me start with Saturday.

The Geriatric DJ is a bit behind in the schedule for Saturday's twelve hour marathon of
music in Asda Supermarket as I play music to launch the store's Green Token Community Programme for January, February and March. Have no fear, all will be sorted by the end of today.

I have to prepare the display boards for the three good causes, take the one thousand balloons down to Asda for staff to inflate. Then I need to sort the playlists. You can help me with that.

On Saturday we will be inviting the 10,000 + shoppers passing by the Secklow Radio Roadshow to make requests
for us to play.  Ahead of that is there a request I could include for you ?  Would you like me to dedicate a song for you ?

Just drop me a line at or hit me with a message on Facebook.

The picture of Yours Truly on Facebook wearing my Geriatric DJ  pulled FORTY, yes forty, comments.  I am flattered.

Shut up David - play some music.

One thing that is worrying me about Saturday is my transport to ans from Asda. The Jag is
poorly, very poorly. It is possible the garage can fix everything in time for Saturday but if not I have to pack all the equipment, display boards, the vinyl collection and even myself into our spare car. When I put together the display boards this morning I need to pop in something else, a notice to put on the back of the ridiculous vehicle saying THIS CAR DOES NOT BELONG TO ME !

God I hate that silly little car. 

Get well soon my lovely Jaguar.

Let's play some more music.

How about this ? 

While you watch and listen check out the three good causes we will be supporting on Saturday.

I do have two requests booked in for Saturday.

At three o'clock precisely I will play HI HO SILVER LINING by Jeff Beck, playing it for all my
friends at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club. Then when the final whistle is blown, round about 5.50pm SINGING THE BLUES to celebrate a win.

I purchased original singles of those two songs from e-bay, paid to have them mounted then  took Tony Ingeldow from Secklow Radio's programme Time Tunnel to Hillsborough to present them to the club.

I had a lovely Christmas card from Ronald McDonald House in Nashville Tennessee and beautiful e-mail from Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco. Tony - I have an idea !

Costing a small fortune - he he - I waved my Visa Debit card at the club shop to get a pair of Sheffield Wednesday away shirts. How about you and I drive up to the club's training ground and get the players to autograph them. I will take one to San Francisco in April and the other can be given to Nashville. We can collect requests from those at Hillsborough and at the training ground which you can play on your Afternoon Delight show. Good idea or what ?

Wednesday is going through a bit of a team manager crisis at the moment so I will leave our friend Club Director Trevor alone but in a couple of weeks time I will run the idea past him. Trevor, I know you dip into my blog, if you find this hang on and I will call you later in the month.

I was a very good boy yesterday.  I wrote another one thousand words for my book The Bridge House. I promise to write some more today. 

The Bridge House is the story of the times through which my grandmother Lily lived. It begins shortly after her 11th birthday in 1901 and ends a year before her death in 1983. 

Lily is a real character, she was my grandmother, and the times I am writing about are historically accurate but I do wrap everything into a blanket of my author's imagination.

Lord Henry Wilton, for example, is fiction but the situations I take Henry and Lily through are real enough.

The book, when finished, will be published in May with all royalties going to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. We are talking about a book launch in June or July so I had better get cracking. 

I have written a Sheffield Wednesday player from the era of
World War One into the story, he is real enough but he never actually knew Lily's husband William as he does in the story.

Another purchase I made on e-bay was the Adam Faith LP - Adam. This was the very first LP I ever owned. I hope it arrives in time for me to play some tracks from it on Saturday.

I am at the point in  the story where I buy that original LP from Stone's Newsagent just over the road from where Lily Lived.

Nan quite liked the songs Adam Faith sang.

Let's have another piece of music I plan to play on Saturday.

When The Bridge House is finished, ahead of submitting the text for publication, I need help. LOTS OF HELP to proof read it, edit out the numerous typo's and advise if the plot development works for the reader. I think there are times when a sub plot is needed to link different situations together.

This is where I intend to find that help - MY LEONITES. Look at Lord Muck sitting in the middle. 

This is the last of four year groups at Leon School who had me at its head. I am so proud to have many, many Leonites as friends. It has been twenty years since I was inside a classroom. I will be turning to my Leonite Friends to help proof read The Bridge House.

Leonite Rachel suggested we should start a series of monthly social get-togethers and perhaps do something in memory of Leonite James who passed away last year. Just after Christmas I bumped into Leonite Paul and ran the idea past him. I think we should make this happen and make it happen quite soon.

So my Leonites how about you pop by to Asda in Bletchley on Saturday, any time between 8am and 8pm and request a record for me to play ? We can chat and make a plan.

You won't miss me - that tee shirt stands out a mile.  AND I have not changed that much from when Sir used to muscle his way onto the microphone of the school disco and make you dance to silly songs.

Why are so many of you sitting down in that picture ?  Nobody will be allowed to sit down on Saturday. Life is a Disco SO DANCE !

On Saturday I am definitely going to have people dance to this. On your feet and give it a go. Come on UP you get.

See you all on Saturday but before then send me your requests to play.

E-mail them to me at or message me on facebook.

So this is David aka The Geriatric DJ, aka Secklow Radio's Audience Development Manager, aka Max Robinson Author, aka The Patriotic Pensioner aka a PROUD LEONITE signing off for today.

Never forget - Life is a DISCO - so DANCE !

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