Tuesday 2 January 2018

Come and rock with The Geriatric DJ

The Geriatric DJ  will be appearing between 8am and 8pm at Asda Supermarket in Bletchley on Saturday.

Just look at those shoes !

On the blog yesterday I spoke about SUPPORT click here if you missed it.

Seventy-eight people checked the blog. How many will read today's page ?

Today I want to speak about support again but today support in a different form.

On Saturday I will be wearing my wig, shades, tee shirt, flares and those incredible shoes to help launch Asda's Green Token Scheme for January to March. 

Asda runs its quarterly community programme inviting customers to vote for their favourite among three good causes.

Playing music with The Secklow Radio Roadshow 
I will present the three good causes and invite customers to vote with their support.

So let me tell you about the three causes I will be playing music for on Saturday.

The first good cause is MEDICAL DETECTION DOGS - Click Here for their website.

There are BIO DETECTION DOGS  who can be trained to identify the odour of cancer and potentially the development of a simple method of non-invasive cancer diagnosis.

There are MEDICAL ALERT DETECTION DOGS who with their amazing sense of smell our Medical Alert Assistance Dogs support individuals who live with dangerous health conditions.

I don't know about you but I find that pretty amazing. I shall be proud to play music on Saturday to support this good cause.

Asda has provided Secklow Radio Roadshow an amazing opportunity to play music INSIDE their store on Saturday. TWELVE HOURS of music !  We expect TEN THOUSADND customers to pass by our music decks.  I am working on the playlist. If we can average twenty-five songs an hour  we are going to need three hundred songs ! Three hundred songs x ten thousand people -
 WOW !
Here's a quick pic from the Roadshow in December. We played lots of Christmas music then. Yesterday I went out to buy a Disney CD to play music for the children.

I am definitely going to play this song  NO don't skip this PLAY THE VIDEO BELOW !  This comes from my favourite ride in Disneyland California - The happiest place on Earth.

On Saturday that original Disneyland will have a rival, Asda Milton Keynes may well steal its thunder to become the happiest place on earth.

The second of the three good causes represented in Asda's Green Token Scheme for January to March is Jo's Hope.

CLICK HERE to visit Jo's Hope's website.

There have been funding cutbacks meaning several crucial provisions are no longer available to those suffering from breast cancer.

Those suffering from Breast Cancer requiring surgery will not be provided with the post-surgery bra needed to help wounds heal.

There is a limited supply of Psychological Assistance needed for cancer patients.

Jo's Hope is not aware of any services that are currently available for the families of non-bereaved members.

There are no non-medical therapeutic provisions available to cancer patients that don’t involve a waiting list of up to six months.

Jo’s Hope's goal is to help patients return to the person they were before their diagnosis.

Wearing my Geriatric D J costume on Saturday I will be supported by Stuart Moore who presents the Mind Your Own Business show on Secklow 105.5.

Stuart will be handing out sweets and balloons,
we have ONE THOUSAND BALLOONS to give away to the children and a mega-fun pop music quiz sheet to all who fancy a bit of a challenge.

Catherine Rose, presenter of Secklow's popular  Classics From Scratch show will be spinning the discs during the afternoon.

Taking off my Geriatric DJ persona to become a little more sensible I was honoured to be the guest on Catherine's show last week. It was great fun and I enjoyed myself so much as
Catherine presented my four favourite pieces of Classical Music.

Catherine, I have an idea.  Let's get everyone to clap to the Radetzky March.

Come on everyone - get into training and CLICK HERE.

Allow me to set modesty aside. May I invite you take some time out and listen to Yours Truly on Catherine's show last week.

The third good cause represented in Asda's Green Token Scheme is OurRebekah. The website is being redeveloped but you can visit it by CLICKING HERE.

Rebekah was born with Chronic Renal Failure. Her family was among the first to be supported by the very first Ronald McDonald House in the country. There are now 16 Ronald McDonald Houses in the UK and 366 world wide supporting and keeping families together when they have a child sick in hospital.  

Rebekah died suddenly and unexpectedly on 19th May last year. Her friends set up OurRebekah to support families with a child sick in hospital.

Let's have another piece of music.

We are going to have a super day on Saturday. To quote a phrase from pop music history - BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.  

We have invited Asda staff members to snatch the microphone out of The Gerriatric DJ's hand and spin some discs as we party.

One tune The Geriatric DJ will be keeping to himself is this.......................

We think The Geriatric DJ has a penalty or two for anyone who does not dance and do the actions. BE WARNED.

Here's a picture of Mayor David Hopkins as DJ at a Secklow Radio Roadshow. David is appearing on Tony's Time Tunnel on Monday 22nd January to present his favourite top ten hits from the 70's. On the right of the picture is Mayoress Susan. She said to me shortly after she and her husband took office: IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH GOOD CAUSE YOU SUPPORT PROVIDING YO SUPPORT ONE.

There are three good causes presented by Asda over the next three months, three great causes, every one worthy of your support, every one as good as the other two. It does not matter which you select to support providing you DO select one. When you shop ask the check out staff for a green token then use it to vote for your choice.

So this is David the Audience Development Manager at Secklow 105.5 aka The Geriatric DJ signing off and saying.....


I will leave you with The Secklow Radio Roadshow signature tune - Red River Rock by Johnny and The Hurricanes and REMEMBER Life is a DISCO so DANCE !

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