Monday 29 January 2018

Passion + Love = Success

It's David aka The Geriatric DJ writing today's page but I am no longer writing alone, the words are now coming from a group of people who are passionate to share love and achieve success.

So speaking for us all I want today to explain where we are coming from, who we are, where we want to go and how we plan to get there.

And as we do that we will, of course, be playing music.

Our audience figures dropped slightly yesterday, from 398 on Sunday to 340 on  Monday. Still fantastic for the early stages of this project. If you are reading today's page please enjoy the music, share it and see how many we can win to Radio Love International today.

Let's play today's theme to start our day off well.


And here's Thought4Today................

WHERE ARE WE COMING FROM ?  I began writing my blog in January 2017, it was then called THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN. When my daughter Rebekah
died suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday 19th May 2017 that blog changed direction and became THE WAVE OF LOVE.

Beck's friends set up OurRebekah to support Ronald McDonald House Charities. In a very short time that little operation has done very well. Rebekah was always known for her cheeky and infectious smile. We put the smile at the very centre of what OurRebekah was doing with a mission TO HAVE FUN, BE A BIT SILLY SMILE AND MAKE OTHERS SMILE.

Through OurRebekah I found myself working with a community radio station. I hoped within it I could take the smile and share it with our local community. Unfortunately that has not developed with the radio station as I would have wished.  

I love music, music of all kinds. My colleague here on Radio Love International uses the word GENRE a lot. I love all genre of music. We are even going to play a bit of punk in a moment. But first here is something silly I added to YouTube a year ago. Our Tuesday morning theme is a song from Ken Dodd. Let's BE SILLY now and listen to it again.

Did you like that, did it make you smile ?

I have always played music on my blog and came up with the idea to rename the blog again, this time to RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL That was less that two weeks ago. With lightening speed people gathered round me, took my idea, added passion and started to run with it.

Let's have some music. This is lovely and sums up every day with Radio Love International.

WHO ARE WE ?  I am me, David - The Geriatric DJ.

Here's The Geriatric DJ at last Saturday's Sausage Sizzle organised by Jo's Hope. The lady holding the balloons is Jo. She will be joining Radio Love International as a music presenter. 


Jo comes from a legal background, she was a barrister at law but now devotes herself full-time to running Jo's Hope.

Let's play some music for Jo. What should we play ?  I Know..........................

Sorry about that Jo but we all know it made you giggle.

Jo, Josh aka The Eternal Teenager and The Geriatric DJ are meeting for lunch today to chat about our various good causes, our love of music and how we can use Radio Love International to meet its Mission Statement:

The Eternal Teenager is actually twenty-seven years old. Using my formula to explain age and birthdays he is 17 + 10.  The Geriatric DJ is 17 + 50.

Josh this song if for you. It rather sums up your outlook on life.  Which GENRE would you put this in ?  HE HE HE !

We have a great friend who is willing to become Chairman of Radio Love International and bring a lifetime of expertise to watch over and mentor all we do. Let's play this for our Chairman.........

Give Me A Little More Time by Chairmen Of The Board.

We have another very dear friend  offering help and support with technical issues. He lives in Canada so, unfortunately,  he will not be joining us for lunch in McDonald's today. Sokol, our technical genius I know this is your favourite song.

Every day Andy takes his four legged friend for a walk at the crack of dawn then posts a weather report on Facebook.  We nick that and make it Radio Love International's Weatherline.  Josh has developed a page within our website which gives the weather anywhere in the world where a listener may be. CLICK HERE AND CHECK IT OUT.

Let's play this for Andy.  Yeh, we have played it before but it's a great song isn't it.  Josh would tell you it comes from the GENRE of 1950's music.  

With that I guess I had better play the 1950's playlist Josh, or should I say THE ETERNAL TEENAGER is currently working on.

There is an important situation we need to fill. For want of a better tile let's call it our Commercial Director. We need someone who can reach out to find sponsors and advertisiers to finance all we do. It is vital that in finding these financial backers we do not detract from money going to the good causes we seek to support.  We need money to generate money if that makes sense.

Yesterday Josh, who is also our official photographer, took this. It's The Geriatric DJ with listener Dianne. She has given to Radio Love International a very special and very precious collection of vinyl records. If these discs were to be put up for sale they would easily fetch £1,000 or more. They belonged to her husband who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last year. We will be playing these with love and in memory of Pete.

Dianne is one of our listeners. We need to build up a small team of listeners within each of the FIFTEEN countries where people already tune in and listen to Radio Love International. We need these listeners, who we will here call MONITORS, to give feedback on what we are doing.

Every page is tracked. We know that our litterers are primarily in the 18 to 35 age bracket with slightly more men than women. 62% listen to our music on their phones.

Within that wonderful collection of vinyl Dianne gave us I found this. Eternal Teenager, what genre does this come from ?

We probably have the biggest collection of vinyl records in the country. Paul, owner of Turney's Bakery,  gave us hundreds of LP's. Paul this was among your vinyl. It's a bit silly but we like it. Josh THINKS it may belong in a country playlist.

Friend Patrick owns an Aladdin's cave of vinyl in Dockyard Discs in Plymouth. Hey Patrick it is just possible we may even rival your amazing shop.

So that's where we are coming from and it is who we are. 


At the moment we publish this daily music page which has listeners in 15 different countries of the world.

I lie !  That should be SIXTEEN - yesterday we had TWELVE listeners in Czechia. Not bad eh ?

We have a DRAFT website on-line at We are working on this draft to make it smarter and more exciting. Within the website you can listen on-demand to a growing library of music.

We have permission from the licencing authority to take this music out into the community by way of a series of roadshows. Part of today's meeting in McDonald's will discuss a diary of events. When we have finished munching on burgers and fries we will be meeting with the biggest supermarket in the region to set up a roadshow.

We have full public liability insurance to cover these events.

You will see that the music we play here on the daily page is via YouTube. We are using their licence to share songs with you.

We have the YouTube Channel I set up over a year ago under the name of THE PATRIOTIC PENSIONER.  Josh is frantically working to sort out the 300+ songs there and bring everything into order.

We are using Facebook as our primary base within social media. The Geriatric DJ's Facebook is always in the top 2% for activity month by month in the country.

Let's play some more music. How about this from Freddie and the boys.

We are waiting for the licencing authority to grant us permission to become a fully-fledged internet radio station. Fingers crossed the licence fee will be within our means.

Our plan is to set up our broadcasting in such a way that presenters can log in and broadcast from home. That we still plan to do. However, The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager thought yesterday that a small studio may be a good idea as it would give us an operating base and address.

We own the company name Radio Love International Limited. At the time we start broadcasting as an internet radio station we will need to take this name off the shelf and form it into an operating company with a board of directors managing all we do.

At the moment our thinking is we will reach this point at the end of July or early in August. We can then soft launch to test everything before a full launch in the Autumn from when on we can set the world on fire with our music.

We have the passion and we have the love. Success then becomes inevitable. OurRebekah supports Ronald McDonald House, Jo's Hope supports three special areas of need, Josh supports the homeless. All of these causes and many others will be brought into Radio Love International.

On Thursday The Geriatric DJ is meeting with The Operations Manager of The National Trust then on Monday he is pointing his car up the motorway - YES IT DID PASS IT'S MOT YESTERDAY - RESULT ! to meet with Libby, the house manager at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. She and David are both Brummies.  We have our friend Trevor - Director of Communications at Sheffield Wednesday FC who we know will offer advice and support.

Hey Libby, let's play some music for you.  THANKS for your kind e-mail regarding music we played the other day.  This is for you, your amazing team and the 64 families in Ronald McDonald House Brum.

If we say to you the words SOCIAL MEDIA what do you think?

Facebook   Twitter   Instagram   Linked In   YouTube 

If we had asked that question a few years ago nobody would have known what we were talking about !

Could it be that in another couple of years time when that question is asked people would also say RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL ?      We have the music, we have the love and we have the passion so WHY NOT ?

And with that let's play our end of the day theme.  Please share this page with all of your friends.  Let's see how many people in how many countries we can get to tune in and listen.

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