Thursday 25 January 2018

Teenager In Love ! In love with this beautiful world.

On Wednesday I was chatting to Secklow Radio's Time Lord Tony Ingeldow. Tony presents a great show each week called TIME TUNNEL.

This got me thinking.

Why shouldn't Radio Love International have its own Time Lord.

I have just finished The Geriatric DJ's back to back hour collection of hits from the 1970's. To make an hour play list takes between ten and twelve hours.

I was getting my mind ready to begin work on a one hour long back to back collection of hits from the 1950's when I found that time lord.

I suspect he once worked on the famous Radio Rock but now THE ETERNAL TEENAGER
is part of our team.

So now we now have TWO DJ's. I am actually talking to two other friends who want to present playlists on Radio Rock International and then when we start regular on-line broadcasts into social media to take on shows.

I will tell you all about our licence application and our new DJ in a moment but first of all here is today's theme to make your day go well.

That fantastic piece of music comes from the Fabulous Fifties - I am old enough to remember them ! JUST !

I will have a word with The Eternal Teenager to make sure he includes Richie Vallence and La Bamba in his playlist.

Let's play the first song in his collection..... TEENAGER IN LOVE by Marty Wilde - that comes from 1959.

I am a teenager myself. I AM !  I am seventeen years old - Seventeen + 50 !

Ok let's listen.

Give our new team member lots of encouragement.  Please share today's music page with all of your friends.

There used to be a fantastic radio station - CLASSIC GOLD which broadcast from an old school in Dunstable.

When I was writing articles for newspapers and magazines I interviewed the station manager. I talked a lot about the music from the 1960's. This would have been in 1985 or perhaps 1986 so we were not long out of the 70's. That station manager said to me not to dismiss the music of the 1970's, in time it would be as legendary as the 1960's. 

He was right wasn't he ?  Let's play The geriatric DJ's back to back hour of 1970's mega hits.

Radio Love International is being set up as part of OurRebekah, aiming to take things to a
higher and more exciting level.

The licencing authority has already given us permission to play music in the community by way of our roadshows. Our website is now being considered for licencing.

Once we have the authority and licence we need, our technical friend is going to set up a page which will contain our broadcast schedule. Presenters, The geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager + others will be able to log in and broadcast their music live from home. I am hoping we will reach that point by the end of the summer.

Please visit our website - CLICK HERE

Before we can start a schedule of presenters playing music live into our website we need two things:

We need to get this daily music page up to ONE THOUSAND listeners and readers each day.  Yesterday we had 112 people read our page so we do have a way to go !

We need to have a minimum of ten hours of music available within the website's on-demand

We have our 1960's Collection and we have our Classic Collection. Now we have our 1970's Collection and are working on the 1950's Collection.  I want to get a country music collection on the webpage as soon as possible but country music is something I like but do not completely understand.

I ran a Google search for THE GREATEST COUNTRY HIT OF ALL TIME.  This is what came up.

County fans, Nigel, would you agree with Mr Google ?

Is this country ?  I don't know. You tell me ?

Let's take Andy's Weather Report for today...................

Let's play a song for Andy. Hey, let's play it on vinyl. This is a lovely song to start the day.

This afternoon I am meeting up with two former students, two Leonite friends, Dianne and Rachel. We are going to chat about an OurRebekah event to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Dianne is giving me a special collection of vinyl records. 

I have twelve YouTube videos within my IF IT AINT VINYL THEN IT AINT MUSIC collection.  I am going to make a few more using Dianne's records then add this as a playlist to Radio Love International.

My car is going in for it's MOT on Monday. I am nervous !  I think it wise to postpone the meeting I have in my diary for Tuesday.  I have asked Ronald McDonald House Birmingham's manager, Libby, if we could put things off for a day or so.

A bit silly but can I here dedicate this song to the MOT Tester next week.

That's a bit of fun !  

Hey Radio Love International DJ THE ETERNAL TEENAGER could you pop that into your
1950's playlist.

Go on !

Let's play something now for Libby and her amazing team at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Let's play something for the 64 families currently staying at the house while they have a child sick in hospital.

Here you go my very, very special friends. This is for you.

Josh and I are meeting for breakfast in McDonald's this morning. McDonald's restaurants of course are not the same thing as Ronald McDonald House but they are the charity's biggest sponsor.

Josh and I will be spinning some coins this morning for Ronald McDonald and the families
who have a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital.

Yesterday I told Josh all about Ronald McDonald Houses. He and I took Jake for a walk. I told him about the video JAKE GOES TO McDONALDS.

The reason we are going to McDonald's for breakfast is not just to eat but to use their wi-fi so Josh can look at today's Radio Love International's music page.

I have told Josh to stop referring to himself as Josh - the homeless lad from Morrissons. When you meet him you would never think he was homeless. He is clean, well dressed and smart.  Yesterday his clothing was covered with little ginger hairs from Jake. After the walk he had to go back to his tent and get changed.

Let's have Jake's video.........

Radio Love International is an extension to OurRebekah.  The OurRebekah website has not been updated since before Christmas. Once Libby and I sit down to plan activities on the agenda there will be some exiting things happening.

In that video Jake and I are eating hashbrowns, nobody but nobody makes hashbrowns as good as McDonalds. That is what I will be eating for my breakfast.

It is just coming up to five o'clock.  I have been awake since half past two. I have been running through my head today's meetings. My breakfast with Josh and Leonite meeting with Dianne and Rachel.

I love this world.  I am a TEENAGER in love. (Teenager 17 + 50)  This teenager is in love with the beautiful world in which we live and the incredible people who inhabit it.

I am going to play a bit more vinyl. This is my favourite song of all time. I believe it is the greatest song and piece of music ever written. Please listen to it, close your eyes and take the words deep inside your mind.

This is a a beautiful world but it is a world with many, many problems. If people were to live their lives as Bridges Over Trouble Waters those situations and problems would be far less daunting. GOD I LOVE THAT RECORD !

Playing Bridge Over Troubled Water is a hard act to follow so I will sign off with Friday's end of day theme and Radio Love International's theme tune.

Have a beautiful day.

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