Wednesday 17 January 2018

Radio Love International

Hi everyone and welcome to today's blog.

Today marks one year since I launched this blog. It began under the name of THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN. That first edition attracted 12 readers. WHEN Rebekah died in May last year I changed the name of the blog to THE WAVE OF LOVE. As, today, the blog enters its second year I am keeping The Wave Of Love as the title but am adding to this RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL. Daily readership now stands at  between100 and 450.

At the same time as I started the blog in January 2017 I launched my own YouTube Channel. Let's have the Thursday morning inspirational theme from that channel shall we.

That was good wasn't it ?  Daydream Believer from The Monkeyes.

I wanted to take music into the various events OurRebekah organises to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. To do this I obtained equipment to play both vinyl and digital music. I discussed what I wanted to do with PRS/PPL and was given permission to go ahead without having to pay a licence fee. I purchased public liability insurance so all was set to go.

I then became involved with local community radio station Secklopw 105.5 where I was appointed Audience Development Manager. I set up the Secklow Radio Roadshow and started to use social media to promote the station's programmes.  That has been good and has been a lot of fun.

Let's take today's weather report from our very own Andy.

I am not quitting Secklow Radio 105.5 but its audience is tiny compared to my own social media friends, followers and contacts. Some radio stations broadcast into FM, some into the long and medium waves, some into the Internet. I want to set up a radio station the like of which nobody has seen before.

Radio Love will broadcast into Social Media.

I have secured the company name Radio Love International Limited and will register it as a company at Compalnies House. I own the website domain and will set up a website to support what the station will be doing.

I am very clear about what I want Radio Love International to do.

I would be very happy if Radio Love International did no more than take my blog to a higher level and spread love to a bigger audience but it could become much more.

When I ran some of the roadshows for Secklow 105.5 I broadcast what we were doing live into Facebook where several hundred people popped by to listen to the music. By broadcasting into social media Radio Love International has unlimited potential, could even become a social media phenomena and the biggest radio station the world has ever seen.

No matter what level it rises to there is a lot of work to do before ANYTHING happens.  Right now I am putting together a series of 10 hour long music collections. I am half way through the first THE GERIATRIC DJ PLAYS MUSIC FROM THE 1960's.  Have a listen.

My plan is to have these available for people to listen to as background music while they go about what they are doing. A bit like the programme MUSIC WHILE YOU WORK the BBC used to broadcast. Radio Love International's listeners can use their PC;s, laptops, tablets and phones t o tune in.

I am planning hour long playlists of:  Music from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, Classical, Opera, Ballet, Gilbert & Sullivan, Films and Shows, Country. That's ten. I then have to build this blog's daily readership, or should I say LISTENERSHIP, up to one thousand. If I am lucky, if all goes well that could be achieved by the end of the summer. This is not going to be an overnight thing.

As I do this work I will be chatting again to RPS/PPL in order to check if I can do this under the present agreement I have with them or if a fee will now have to be paid.

Let's leave Radio Love International for a moment and talk about Secklow 105.5. Let me play a dedication.

That was played for Secklow's presenter Stuart Moore. He is a great friend. Yesterday he and I were chatting. He teased me about the dedication I played for him on the radio last Monday. I teased him and wound him up saying I would play something different for him today.

Stuart has a great sense of humour.  He saw the funny side of my playing the 1910 Fruitgum Company and Simon Says on the radio, I hope he sees the significance of red balloons.

Monday's show and Stuart's dedication is now on-demand. 

Tony and I play dedications for all who were involved in the Secklow Radio Roadshow at Asda on Saturday 6th January. Do listen. You can download the show, keep it on your device and listen over and over and over again !

If Radio Love International is to work I need people to send me their requests for music to play.

Don't be shy send me your request NOW

I want to take the music from Radio Love International out into the community, to play music in shops, at social events, with clubs and community groups, anywhere and everywhere I
can.  In April Radio Love International has a booking in San Francisco, possibly two !  Watch this space.

Once I have three or four hour long music collections on-line taking the Radio Love International Roadshow out on to the road will be the next step.  At these events live music will be broadcast into social media.

That could be as far as it goes. Radio Love International playing music into a bog with one thousand people a day checking it out, taking requests, setting up a diary of roadshows and playing music from those roadshows into social media. Importantly everything meeting the two mission statements I have set out.




Let's play some music.

That was played on TIME TUNNEL for Jo's Hope.  This is EXACTLY the kind of organisation I want Radio Love International to support. 

If Radio Love International achieves success in the different things I have suggested on today's blog the next stage will be to bring in a team of presenters to broadcast live music into social media. We will set up a programme schedule and slowly work towards playing music 24/7.

Reaching that stage, if all goes well, could be achieved by the end of the year. FANTASTIC if Radio Love International does that but if it goes no further than 1,000 blog readers a day, playing music and taking requests, taking music into the community and supporting good causes that will be fine.

If Lady Luck is on our side and we do hit the big time Radio Love International Limited can be taken off the shelf and a management team set up.


NO, adding the word INTERNATIONAL is not hot air. The blog already has an international audience. There are readers and listeners in The UK, USA, Canada, Albania, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine, UAE, Brazil, Spain and France.

It is these readers and listeners who will decide how far Radio Love International goes. Anywhere from making this a bigger and more exciting blog right up to becoming the biggest radio station the world has ever seen.

When I publish the blog I am going back to work on that first music collection, a back to back hour of music from the 60's. I will be monitoring the blog readership throughout the day and updating everyone on social media.

If you like the idea of Radio Love International then spread the word, make this a big blog entry. Send me your requests to play tomorrow.

So, to conclude here is the Radio Love International theme from YouTube. You have a fantastic day. I intend to.

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