Sunday 21 January 2018

Beautiful people in a wonderful world

Good morning.....

Good morning to all you beautiful people in this wonderful world of ours.

This is the Geriatric DJ with my choice of music for Monday 22nd January 2018.

Use the music to have a great day, use it to put a smile on your face, have fun - be a bit silly and make others smile.

My Monday Theme Tune is TOP OF THE WORLD by The Carpenters. What better way to start your week.

This world of ours is better viewed from on the top.

Here's Andy's weather report for the day........

Andy, meet one of your biggest fans - Jake. Each morning he checks your report before deciding if he wants to go for a walk or not. He does not like the rain, he can put up with the

cold but not the rain. If it is tiddling down he prefers to do his tiddling in the garden not out on our usual route. I snapped this picture of him yesterday evening. We were getting tea ready, Maureen let Jake lick clean her yogurt pot - he has more of the creamy substance on his face than in his tummy !

How many of you have seen Jake in this video production ?

I had a chat on-line yesterday with a great friend. Darren you asked me to play a request for you. Chatting you mentioned another song you like. I have taken the liberty of adding three songs of my own choice to make a playlist for you.  Everyone listen and enjoy.

It would have been in the mid 1980's, perhaps 1984 or even 1985, I wrote a newspaper article about a radio station CLASSIC GOLD. This fantastic music station broadcast from an old school in Dunstable. Interviewing the station manager I kept talking about music from the 1960's.  He said to me that I should not ignore the 1970's in my feature, he said that the 1970's would become, in time, a musical legend just as music from the 1960's had. He was right wasn't he ?

I have started working on our next back to back hour collection, music from the 1970's. As soon as it is finished it will be in the Listen On-Demand area of Radio Love International - 

Now I want to play something for a very special record shop - DOCKYARD DISCS.

Owned and run by Leonite Patrick this is an Aladdin's cave of vinyl.

Two sets of wise words from The Geriatric DJ.......

If it aint vinyl then it aint music.


Life is like a vinyl record, if it doesn't crackle a bit you are not living it properly.

I say SADLY - Maureen says THANK GOODNESS - Dockyard Discs is a long way from where I live. You can find this shop in Plymouth. If it were nearer I would never be out of the place and my ever-growing collection of vinyl would grow even faster.

Patrick and Dockyard Discs this is for you.

Thank you to those who tuned in when I was being silly yesterday as I played music into Facebook.  I was on-line for just under an hour. I lost count of how many people tuned in, I
think it was about fifty. Yesterday was a test of today's test broadcast.  It went well - thank you to all who sent me LIKES and comments. I think at times the volume was a bit too loud and I do know the image pixelated now and then.  I'll just turn the volume down today. I think the image problem was caused by the lead from the camera to the laptop being too long.  I will shorten it today and see if that sorts it.

For those who were watching yesterday and for those whose image did not pixelate, I did enjoy my bag of crisps ! When the image did pixelate at least the colours danced in time to the music.

Today I am going to experiment playing some vinyl and will turn on my work in progress to play songs from the 1970's

I want to play something now from 1969, just before the dawn of the 1970's.  Do you remember the BBC TV programme Songs of Praise ?  The BBC got a load of teenagers together in 1969, I was one of those teenagers, to present a special edition of the programme called LIVING IN THE 1970's.

Anyway please listen to this song from 1969

I am a bit uncertain about playing that - it could be regarded as cheesy and inappropriate. In 1969 there were tramps and down and outs. They were there but not in any great number. Now 48 years later homeless people are everywhere.

I have posted twice on Facebook about the lad who sits outside Morrisson's supermarket. The response from friends has been overwhelming. In this beautiful world we live in this should not be happening.

Before Christmas I spoke with a homeless girl in Central Milton Keynes. She was so polite, articulate and friendly. She should not have been there. She was someone's daughter. The lad outside Morrissons is someone's son.  Why is society allowing this tragic situation to exist.  I gave the boy £20 and a bag of food yesterday. A sticking plaster for his wounds, nothing more and certainly not a cure.

As a teacher I would sometimes tell students that John Lennon was the greatest poet of the time.  I believe he was. Many of his songs had, indeed still have, simple solutions to problems in this world.  Solutions that are too simple to work. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. The girl in Central Milton Keynes, the boy outside Morrissons need love. Is that too simple to work ?

Thank you Rachel for the link you gave me. I am going back to Morrissons, I will talk to the boy again and ask him his name.  I am seeing Mayor David Hopkins later today and will talk to him about Winter Night Shelter. 

Perhaps it could help my friend outside Morrissons.

Radio Love International is NEW but already we have a strong audience, 207 listened on-demand to our music yesterday. It is 5.30am and I am about to publish today's page. ALREADY five people have logged in trying to find today's music.

Is this not something we could support, something to raise the profile of and help ?  Money and food are sticking plasters. LOVE is not.

To bring towards an end on today's page here is the end of the day theme. Beautiful music - The Tennessee Waltz.  YES we do have listeners in Nashville Tennessee. I will tell you all about them on another day.

And now Radio Love International's signature tune nicked from Walt Disney. You don't mind do you Walt ?

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