Saturday 20 January 2018

SUCCESS is a word we are going to have to get used to.

Do you agree with me ?

Should we do that ?

Declare Sunday 21st January 2018 a SUNSHINE SMILE DAY

Put a happy smile on your face and keep it there all day long.

Do you know it takes more muscles to put on a sad face than it does to smile ?

BE HAPPY - smile.

Make that smile infectious.

Spread happiness today - no matter how many bad things come your way, stare them in the face and mile your problems away !


Let's start with today's happy music to make your day go well, to make it a SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

I spent yesterday afternoon working on the Radio Love International website, I am about half way through all that needs to be done. This social media page and our website have Google Analytics built in so we can count our visitor numbers and track where they come from.  Early days yet for this project but try to guess how many countries are already listening to Radio Love International ?  Go on GUESS !

With this project I am bringing together OurRebekah, taking it to a new and higher level, my YouTube Channel and my Blog. These are very early days but success appears to be a word we are going to have to get used to.

Have you listened to The Geriatric DJ's 1960's collection ?

Music to listen to while you work at your PC. Music you can take anywhere on your phone or tablet. Google Analytics say 50% of our listeners use their phones.

Here's another hour of non-stop music. Some of the most beautiful music ever written.

Time to play a dedication. As a youthful student everyone had a copy of the album Bridge Over Troubled Water. The title track is my favourite song of all time. This is my second favourite track which I want to play here for my very good friend Darren. Here you go.

Our weatherman, Andy, posted this picture on Facebook yesterday. I was speaking to my friend Scott, The National Trust's Operations Manager for Stowe Gardens, who told me the recent gales brought down trees that were four hundred years old. Scott, Andy, this is for you !

My team managed yet another 0 0 draw at Hillsborough yesterday.

So for my friends at Hillsborough and for club director Trevor I will play a slightly different version of your adopted anthem.

Hey Nigel, thank you for your comment yesterday about Country Music. Can I play this for you as well ?

Tomorrow I am meeting Milton Keynes Mayor David Hopkins. He knows of my plan to write a book LEGENDS OF A NEW CITY.  I have been sharing ideas for the project and will kick it all off on Thursday 1st February.

CLICK HERE to check out the plan.

The Radcliffe Rollers are a LEGEND. Just listen to them.

I want within the project to track down members of this fantastic school band.

Philip I see from Facebook that you had a puncture yesterday. Oh I am sorry !  I used to have this LP in my collection. I think I will see if I can find a copy on e-bay. Let me play it for you now Philip and for all friends who spend their day on the roads of this country. Paul it's for you as well.

The best way to listen to this is via a set of headphones. The stereo from this 1970's album has the traffic driving right through your head.  Try it !

Tomorrow Radio Love will be making a live broadcast into Facebook. Don't get too excited this is just a test. I plan to put an LP on the turntable while I work at the laptop.

Yesterday I played a track from Jesus Christ Superstar. For part of that test broadcast this will be the album I will have on the turntable.

Let me play another track.

I will set up the webcam later this morning. I will be switching it on round about ten o'clock to test tomorrow's test. If you are on-line when the music starts to play I would appreciate your feedback on sound quality.

Much of my VAST vinyl collection was given to me by Leonite Paul. Among those LP's was a record I play a lot - The Everly Brothers. I think I may well play this as I test the test this morning.

So has my choice of music today set you up to make Sunday 21st January 2018 a Sunshine Smile Day ?  How many people in the different countries of the world who tune in to Radio Love International will put on a smile today ?  PLEASE DROP ME AN E-MAIL, tell me about your smile, send me a selfie I can add to tomorrow's page. Do that and I will play a dedication for you.

The music for that slideshow comes from my favourite Disneyland California ride. It is a small world isn't it. Please SMILE today and make it a little bit better world. A BEAUTIFUL WORLD.

When you come to the end of today, when you listen to my choice of beautiful music to end your day I want you to look back on your day and count the smiles.

The theme is BEAUTIFUL DREAMER - you will be able to go to bed and dream beautiful dreams.

Catch you on Facebook round about ten o'clock and I w'll be back with more music tomorrow

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