Tuesday 16 January 2018

Today we celebrate success

Today we celebrate SUCCESS

To quote the great Freddie Mercury whose music I will be playing in a moment.....

No time for losers.....
'cos we are the champions of the world !

It is not actually success as a phenomena I want to celebrate today but the wonderful people who created the success.

Before we start doing that let's inject a bit of inspiration into the day with the Tuesday Theme from my You Tube Channel.

I spent yesterday afternoon in the radio studio wearing my Geriatric DJ wig to play music
with Secklow Presenter Tony Ingeldow aka Young Tone as a THANK YOU to everyone who made Secklow Radio Roadshow on Saturday 6th January such a phenomenal success. We have already celebrated the success of the event so yesterday was all about thanking those who made the day all that it was. Celebrating NOT the event but the people who made up the team.

The first song we played was dedicated to Suzanna the Community Champion at Asda  in Bletchley, Milton Keynes and with her all of the lovely staff in the region's biggest supermarket. Without their support the roadshow could never have happened. Without their support it would have been a failure.

The roadshow was there to launch the store's January to March Green Token Community Project.  So for everyone at Asda and your super champion Suzanna here are Freddie and the boys.

Time now to take today's report from our very own weather star ANDY.

Four times a year every branch if Asda selects three local good causes. Customers can ask for a voting token at the check outs to support the cause that most touches their heart. At
the end of the three months the cause which has collected the most tokens is given £500 by Asda. WAIT FOR IT...... the other two each receive £200. 

Is that special or is that special ?  Is that generous or is that generous ?

No other supermarket chain has as an effective community programme such as Asda.  I was proud to take community radio into the community on Saturday 6th January to support this project.

One of the three good causes and one for which Tony and I played music on the radio yesterday is OurRebekah. Rebekah is my daughter. She died suddenly and unexpectedly
last May. OurRebekah was set up by her friends to support families with a child sick in hospital.

Rebekah was known for her cheeky and infectious smile. She was known as Little Miss Sunshine. I thought I would choke on air yesterday as I announced the music for OurRebekah, I have tears in my eyes now as I write these words.

Here you are my darling Beck - You Are My Sunshine played by Johnny And The Hurricanes.

Here's a picture of the team at the roadshow blowing up balloons. We had 1,000 to hand out to children during the day.

The day before the roadshow I had a problem with those balloons.

When I organise anything I put in the maximum effort, I do not leave anything to chance.  Everything has to be in place and nothing left to chance. That was how it was on Friday 5th January. OR SO I THOUGHT.

Then Asda announced the sticks I had purchased from a garden centre could not be used for health and safety reasons.  I am not blaming Asda but do blame the silly political
correct, litigation slap-happy society we live in. I HAD A PROBLEM The only way we could give out balloons was if they were fixed to approved balloon sticks.


Where was I going to find one thousand balloon sticks at such short notice ?

Partyrama in Milton Keynes came to the rescue. What wonderful people I met at their warehouse. They could not do enough to help.

So for everyone at Partyrama this next song is for you.

My philosophy is LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE I hope you were all dancing with Partyrama as you listen to this silly song.  

These tunes were, of course, played live on the radio yesterday. They will be repeated at 4pm on Friday then you will be able to listen to them on-demand via the radio station's website.

I thought I would let you see my desk in the studio. EVERYTHING PREPARED.

My watch making sure I did not overrun.

To the left my script and playlist.

A Mars Bar and a can of Pepsi Max at the ready.

Not wanting to make any marks on the spotless table I placed my refreshments on a notebook.  I'll tell you more about that notebook in a minute but back to the music and back to the roadshow.

Secklow's Catherine Rose, presenter of Classics From Scratch, came along to help and support. She brought along some CD's of classical music to play but popped them to one side in favour of a wider genre of music.  

I had to giggle as a customer, an older customer , skipped by doing the actions to YMC. There were three children who stopped their parents from shopping so they could dance to the music Catherine was playing.

We had collecting buckets out for the three good causes. Generous Asda shoppers tossed in more than THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. Money was thrown into those buckets at a higher rate when Catherine was at the deck than at any other time during the day.

Well done Catherine and THANK YOU.

Here is something you played at the roadshow, something the Asda customers truly liked.

In the short time I have been working with Secklow 105.5 I have made some good friends among the presenters. One of these friends is Stuart Moore who presents Mind Your Own Business. 

Stuart is a larger than life character, packed with fun and someone who is not afraid of hard

At a previous roadshow Stuart stood for hour after hour in the rain handing out sweets to those who passed by. No rain in Asda where Stuart took charge of giving out those one thousand balloons the team had inflated.

Stuart has his own unique sense of humour.

At the roadshow he said to the team....WATCH THIS. He then picked up some balloon sticks MINUS the balloons.


Oh yes please !

Only Stuart could have pulled that off. Stuart you brought a lot of fun to the Roadshow. Thank you.  I have chosen this song just for you.

With all these dedications to play as I thank everyone for the success they brought to those hours in Asda Supermarket I must not forget we need music to play and to dedicate tomorrow and on subsequent blogs so can I play something for you ?

When I returned home from the studio I was thrilled to find that people had left me messages saying they were listening to the show. I did say on-air that my best friend Jake would be listening. Jake is our dog who has a tendency to run the house, what he wants is
what happens. Jake can sense my moods, he can tell if I am unhappy or hurt. At such time he responds with love and affection.

A dog has senses we mere humans can not begin to comprehend. One of the good causes in the Asda Green Token project is Medical Detection Dogs. Those wonderful dogs who came along to the roadshow were big hits and brought so much to the day. Not only does the charity's organisation and management deserve thanks for making the day a success so do the little doggies.

I love dogs and I love this beautiful song which I would now like to play for The Medical Detection Dogs charity,

Most readers of my blog know that I am a Sheffield Wednesday supporter. As well as taking my Geriatric DJ wig into the studio yesterday I took my Wednesday scarf so I could pose for this picture.

What people probably do not know is that Secklow Radio's top presenter Young Tone aka Tony Ingeldow is a Carlisle United fan.

Tonight Sheffield Wednesday and Carlisle United meet at Hillsborough in a cup tie. There is a bit of friendly rivalry between us.

I always send a message of good luck and support to the boys at Wednesday ahead of every game. I ALWAYS GET A REPLY FROM CLUB-DIRECTOR TREVOR. Trevor what do you think of the picture ? 

The success of any football club is being able to work together as a TEAM. 

Putting together the roadshow and carefully leaving nothing to chance there was something that worried me.  I was bringing together three different good causes to work in one team. There was a danger that rivalry could prevent any team spirit from happening.

I could not have been more wrong !

The three causes came together and worked throughout the day as one UNITED team. It was a lovely spirit.  I have to say that the three ladies from Jo's Hope were a major factor in making this all happen. THANK YOU for all you did to ensure success. Personally, I loved working with you and you inspired me throughout the day. You made me feel on top of the world and so this song is for you.

The Roadshow had hardly started when the first Leonite came by to wish us all well. There was then a steady stream of Leonites passing my during the day. I had my laptop open and
locked into Asda's wi-fi, so many, many Leonites sent good wishes for success. When I posted the blog reporting on the day social media went crazy. I am usually in the top 2% across the country each month for activity on Facebook, Leonite Activity the day after the Roadshow will put me into the top 1% for January. Leonites have made over 750 page visits to blog entries reporting on the Roadshow. Yes, of course, it was the Leonites who dominate the audience for yesterday's time tunnel broadcast.

When Rebekah died 120 Leonites sent my family beautiful cards, letters and messages of love and support.

Leonites have nominated me as a candidate for the 2018 Milton Keynes Inspiration Awards. I may win an award, I may not - what matters to me, what moves me so deeply is the fact that I have been nominated.

So what is a Leonite.

In my younger days I was head of year at Leon School in South Milton Keynes. Twenty years ago I left teaching, dabbled in one or two other areas then retired early.  I would have thought that I would by now have been consigned to history and my former students forgotten all about me but NO.  A LEONITE, I invented the word, is one of my former students. Weatherman Andy is a Leonite. Pictures here show me with two of my Leonites, one drove up from the South Coast to pop by the Roadshow. If I were to make a take over bid for Radio One and to become its director, if I were to set up a pirate radio station broadcasting from a boat in the North Sea I know I could count on support from my Leonotes.

Ending the celebration of success and applauding those who made the success possible I played his on the radio yesterday and am playing it again for all my lovely Leonite friends.

There have been those who said CONGRATULATIONS to me for setting up that Roadshow but their words need to be said not to me, they need to be said to those who Tony and I played the music for. 

For Asda and Suzanna, for Partyrama, for OurRebekah, for Jo's Hope, For The Medical Detection Dogs, for Stuart Moore and for Catherine Rose - YOU MADE SECKLOW RADIO ROADSHOW ASDA 2018 THE FANTASTIC SUCCESS IT WAS. It will be a hard act to follow.

The thanks and dedications played on Time Tunnel yesterday took an hour in Tony's two hour show. For the second hour I sat back, took off my geriatric DJ's wig and listened to the music.

I took into the studio with me the notebook I am scribbling words for my novel The Bridge House. As Tony was playing pop music from the 1960's, that magical decade, I finished the penultimate chapter of the book.

All I have to do now is to write the conclusion and the book will be ready for editing and publication.  I have been working on this book for a year.and will finish it later today

Among my Leonite friends I have been sharing an idea for a community writing project. yesterday I showed the idea to The Mayor's PA. She loved it and passed it over to Mayor David.

With The Bridge House written and in publishing mode, tomorrow I am going to set out a plan covering the next twelve months and how the legends can be shared. Leonites I look forward to working with you.

As I finally bring this blog to an end I am going to hand over to my Leonites, I am going hand over to you. This was not played on Time Tunnel yesterday but you have my permission to play The Geriatric DJ's personal anthem now !

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