Saturday 6 January 2018

Success is not a strong enough word

Success is nowhere near big enough a word to describe Secklow Radio Roadshow at Asda Supermarket on Saturday 6th January.

Success ?  The editors of The Oxford English Dictionary are going to have to come up with a new definition for the word.


Before I report on all that happened I am going to allow myself an ego trip.  Is that OK ?

There I was, The Geriatric DJ playing music when a lad, a teenager - perhaps 15 or 16 years old, approached the decks and asked if he could have a selfie with me. WOW.....

The Geriatric DJ's fame is spreading.  He he he.....

We were there in Asda, the biggest supermarket in the region, taking community radio into
the community to support the store's green token community programme. Between 1st  January and 31st March customers are invited to take green voting tokens and pick out their favourite good cause from the three Asda has chosen for the next three months.

I  have to say that I was worried having the three good causes represented at the Roadshow could set  up competition between the three with rivalry to upstage one another.

What a silly, silly thought.

Jo's Hope, Medical Detection Dogs, OurRebekah and Secklow Radio came together to form one powerful team.

Oh we did have fun.

We gave out sweets, took requests to play on the radio, handed out music quiz sheets and and balloons.

Heading up this area of the day was Secklow's presenter Stuart Moore.  Stuart has his own unique and special sense of humour which is best savoured with a pinch of salt.

At one point he took some balloon sticks minus the balloons and said - WATCH THIS......

Would you like an invisible balloon young man ?


Only  Stuart could have pulled that off !

Stuart you are a star. THANK YOU for bringing your special blend of fun, humour and excitement to make this a happy day and ensure its success.

I have no idea how many balloons the TEAM inflated - A LOT - as they worked hard to keep up with Stuart's enthusiasm.

Seen here are Roadshow team members from Jo's Hope blowing up the balloons.

Jo's Hope brought along an extra special person to the team.  This young lady is only ten years old but worked with the ability of someone much older to engage the shoppers, hand out tokens and direct them to the booth to cast their vote. She is an incredible young lady.

Thank you for all you brought to the day.

We put out cash collecting buckets for people to throw some odd coins into. The plan was/is to divide the money three ways between OurRebekah, Jo's Hope and Mudical Detection Dogs.

There were times I am sure when coins tossed into our buckets were flowing faster than they were into Asda's tills.

When Secklow presenter Catherine Rose took over the decks cash flowed into the buckets at a faster rate than at any other time during the day.

When I got home, shattered, hungry and exhausted my wife insisted we count the money. Those wonderful shoppers in Asda had thrown in £319.32 + a few foreign coins and old
pound coins.  That means OurRebekah, Jo's Hope and Medical Detection Dogs each receive £106.44. I will bag the coins up and persuade Halfax Bank to take them from me then send you all your share of the Asda customers' generosity.

Catherine presents the classical music show on Secklow 105.5 but yesterday changed genre to play John Denver, The Village People and ABBA.  I did smile when I saw an older shopper walk past doing the actions to YMCA !

This was not a Secklow outside broadcast
but I did play the music into facebook where several hundred people were listening.

At one point a rather suspicious character was seen lurking about, he had all of the team worried. Asda security staff found out he was from Radio One sent to find out why its audience figures were plummeting !

The lovely little doggies from Medical Detection were stars for most of the day. It was impossible not to fall
in love with them.

However, even the doggies were upstaged when one particular family came by. The children danced to Catherine's choice of music.  

Mum and Dad gave me permission to film their trio.

So here you go - Strictly Come Dancing Secklow Radio Roadshow style.

Even the great Freddie Mercury could not have upstaged those children.

I promoted the Roadshow here on the blog in the days running up to Saturday. Seven Hundred and Sixty people read the pages. When the music was played into Facebook we
had friends listening in Egypt, Albania and The United States Of America.  SUCCESS IS NOT A BIG ENOUGH WORD !

During the day messages were pouring into Facebook, too many to count. Returning home I popped a few pics onto my page. In all way more than one hundred likes, comments and more were posted.  My Facebook is always in the top 2% across the country, perhaps for January it may get into the top 1% !

It is twenty years since I was Head of Year at Leon School but I am still in contact with many of my former students, I call them my Leonites. The roadshow had only just started when two Leonites came by to wish me well. The flow of these lovely people just kept
coming all day long.  Tears formed in my eyes.  We got something right at that school didn't we ?  I am so proud of my Leonites - THANK YOU for your wonderful support.

Modesty will not allow me to share many of the lovely messages these special people posted on-line but I have to tell you that Alexa, right, came up from the South Coast for the week-end so she could pop into Asda and say HI.

I am actually going to set modesty aside to share a pic Rachel posted on Facebook.

Just look at how many likes and comments Rachel pulled for that pic. She was responsible for my wearing those 1970's stacked heels as part of my Geriatric DJ costume.

Another Leonite PAUL gave me much of the vinyl we played yesterday. Another Leonite
Dianne is giving me a very special vinyl collection from her family.  Dianne I promise playing it will bring a lot of joy to many people. THANK YOU.

Do you know a customer asked me if I would play music at her parents' 50th wedding anniversary party.  WHAT AN HONOUR !  Secklow Radio Roadshow taking community radio into the community.

I arrived at Asda at five in the morning. Introducing myself to the security man he said Nobody has told me you are coming but it's all over the store so welcome.

Asda staff were wonderful. Those on the checkouts loved the music. We even had a Leonite on the tills who sent a message when she was kn her break.  Adsa's Community Champion
Suzanna did a fantastic job making the roadshow happen in the store and was a tower of strength throughout the day.
See this man on the left.......

That's Sean Clarke CEO of Asda. I am sending a copy of this blog to him. Sean you can be proud of your team in the Bletchley store. Here's a challenge for you !  Next time The Secklow Radio Roadshow is in the store why don't you come along and spin some discs ?

So what's next ?

Monday 15th January I will be on Tony's Time Tunnel at Secklow 105.5 telling everyone about the Asda Roadshow and playing music from the day. Tony, a couple of things you
need to note !

Watch out for Catherine Rose, none of us knew she was a Retro Popper as well as a classical music lady.

Your show has a duration of two hours, it may take three for you and I to tell everyone about yesterday.

Only joking.........


Then on Monday 22nd January Mayor David Hopkins will be on Tony's Time Tunnel to present his personal top ten hits from the 1970's.

Here's Mayor David spinning discs with Tony at an earlier roadshow.

In April Bletchley Youth Centre is celebrating its 50th anniversary.  Leonite Rachel asked me to help and engineered me on to the sub committee organising the birthday party.  I was asked to fix the music and VIP gusts.

I have it sorted !

There will be three DJ's that evening Tony, Mayor David and The Geriatric DJ.

The following week I will be in San Francisco playing music with families at Ronald McDonald House in the City By The Bay.

Tony and I have one or two ideas to work out.  Catherine Rose and I are working on something a bit special.

I came away  from Asda having made new friends in both Jo's Hope and Medical Detection Dogs.  I am looking forward so much to building strength into those friendships, playing music together and having fun. Did we or did we not make a great team yesterday ?

SUCCESS does not even begin to scratch the surface of what we all achieved together on Saturday.

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