Sunday 28 January 2018

I am deliriously happy - are you ?

I am happy.  I am so happy. I am deliriously happy.

Don't know about you but I am going to have a fabulous day.

Our Monday morning theme is TOP OF THE WORLD by The Carpenters.  That my friends is EXACTLY where I am going to be all day long.

Better play the music I guess.

And here's Thought4Today........

How does that work if you are already a lion ?  Or perhaps a tiger ?  Take it away Lulu.

I have that song on vinyl. If it aint vinyl then it aint music !  This collection of music on vinyl is for listener Dianne who gave us so many fantastic records to play and make people feel happy.

The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager from Radio Love International will be popping by to see Dianne to thank her for all the vinyl records she has given us to play. We will find Dianne as she  mops out a flood in her daughter's shop.  

If ever you are in Queensway, Bletchley, pop into a shop called TWICE.  If you are not then please CLICK HERE and visit their website.

I suppose we had better let a sponsor have a word.

Isn't this a beautiful picture ?  Radio Love International listener Rachel surrounded by her grandchildren.  Now I have to be careful how I type this !!!!!  I picked out a song to play - LOVE IS ALL AROUND as Rachel is sitting there with love all around her.  Then I realised it is sung by WET WET WET !   Dianne, I really hope you do not mind me playing this. Hope it will make you smile.  

Time now to go back to those sausages sizzling last Saturday. Boy they were great. I spoke
to The Eternal Teenager yesterday, he said he was writing more to the plan for Radio Love International. He will share this with me later today but I would not mind betting sausages appear somewhere in it !

So let's play some more requests from the customers.

Who was it, I wonder, who requested this ?

This is actually the first record my brother purchased.  I love it. Jo, I think that is your handwriting on the request list. When you join Radio Love International as a presenter will Lulu be on your play list >

Jo, did you have lollipops at the sizzle on Saturday. If not then next time OK ?

What to play next ? Still from the sausage play list.........

Ah yes,this is another one I like big time.

Dancing Queen from ABBA.

Here's a picture posted by a listener on Facebook. Thank you Maggie. I guess we had better play it for you. It's a classic.

4.08am and ALREADY Weatherman Andy has posted his report ! And I thought I got up early.

Let's play something for Andy.

This music page is all about LOVE.  Will you please help me ?  Will you send some love to the MOT tester who is checking over my car this morning ?  Let's play this for him.

OH - I should have said this before !  When Andy posts his Weaterline it is local to where Radio Love International is based here in England. We are currently developing our website
ahead of launching a fully-fledged on-line radio station. We are INTERNATIONAL so what is happening in North Buckinghamshire, England, will not be the same weather as where you live.
The Eternal Teenager, our very own time lord, is making an early morning spin round the planet to publish on the weather page of our site precisely what the wind rain and even the sunshine is doing where you live.  CLICK HERE AND CHECK IT OUT  My little dog Jake always checks Andy's weather report before he decides if he wants to go out for a walk or not.
So what to play now ?  Let's play another song from the request list at Jo's Hope's Super Sausage Sizzle.

Chatting to my DJ Colleague yesterday I said to The Eternal Teenager that when Radio Love International becomes the world's biggest radio station I would trade my Jag in for a Bentley. He told me to play this !

Time now for today's evening theme. 4.37am and I just know today is going to be an amazing day. I am deliriously happy looking forward to it.  Two things would make me even more happy:

1. My car passing its MOT
2. Our achieving more than 398 listeners to today's music page.

The Tennessee Waltz - YES Radio Love International does have listeners in Nashville Tennessee !

After all it is a small, small world.

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