Wednesday 31 October 2018

Go away world I have had enough !

When I see certain posts on Facebook - well.....

You know....

I'm feeling sad I need a hug..

I am posting this to see who my real friends are....

I've sprained an eyelash and it really  hurts !

You know what I mean ? My reaction ?  GET OVER IT AND GET A LIFE !

2.48am - YES I am awake and I am feeling sorry for myself. I would like to curl up into a ball and let the world pass over
me.  How easy would it be to do that ? EASY - problem is I AM NOT A WIMP AND I REFUSE TO BECOME ONE ! Still I am feeling sad.

So what's my problem ?


As far as I am concerned Tesco, Asda, Morrissons and Sainsuburys can not go bust and disappear from our high streets soon enough.

BT - I won't even go there !

Milton Keynes FAILING Council......

Each month I pay for an on-line response form system to use on our website and clearly there is something wrong with it.  I do not pay for the counters on the website but the company providing them has closed down so there are busted links all over the place. 

Unanswered e-mails, letters and messages ?  Don't go there.

Have I got a bad case of CYBER BO ? 

Readers for this blog have tumbled to about 25% of what they were.

Then yesterday I was involved in a car accident, the Jag is badly bruised. The guy who caused the accident drove away probably ignorant of what he did.

Saturday will be my 68th birthday. This young, hot and handsome young man is a silly old git. Time to say enough ?

My life would be so much easier, it would be so much more
simple if I curled up into a ball and let the world go by and do its own thing without me.


I came down to the PC, I could not sleep for feeling sorry for myself so I thought I would write today's blog then drive to the studio to broadcast today's show.


A text message from Josh.  I am going to add it here.

David mate thank yu 4 today n yesterday n sorry i couldn tell you this yesterday

That man and his missus INSPIRE me !

There was an on-line message from CRMK radio presenter Stewart Bailey. 

Stewart is a fantastic guy and well worthy of being Radio CRMK's Presenter Of The Year.

I think I am a pretty damn good radio DJ myself but I aint half what that guy is !

Yesterday I met a wonderful lady who is part of Milton Keynes Soup Run. A wonderful person, I am now determined our music will help the work she and others are doing.

I needed help to move a washing machine to Josh and Jelena's home. Even before the back end of the Jag was given a kicking a washing machine would never have fitted in the boot.  I knew when I put  a request for help on Facebook who would rush forward. I was right. THANK YOU PAUL FOSTER.

PAUL, another Paul - another LEONITE - I just played that for you.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR INCREDIBLE SUPPORT. My house is full of STUFF for the next boot sale THANK YOU ANDY !

Pardon the lack of modesty but yesterday I broadcast a pretty damn good two hour show. PODCAST HERE

But friends it aint NOTHING to what I will blast out to the world in two and a half hours time. Yep, it's my Wake Up With The Classics show - he he he - WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL !

Winston Churchill used to call it his BLACK DOG. You know what his answer to his black dog was ?

Wanting to take music forward to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE - BE HAPPY AND SUPPORT GOOD CAUSES - I have been feeling low, fed up and sorry for myself as people have not been coming forward to get involved. One person - THANK YOU LISA - tried to send in the response form from THIS PAGE but it did not work !

I am going to play this on today's show...

I was on my way to Josh and Jelena when I was involved in that car smash. I was on my way to help them with a difficult situation. It was a with failing society but stressed as I was, busted car and all the red tape of the insurance now to deal with I diffused the situation and achieved a happy solution. If the car crash helped then WRITE OFF MY JAG. A car is a THING - friends are PEOPLE. A stranger is only a friend you have yet to meet !

I am surrounded by some AMAZING people.

As I began typing up this blog another text flashed up on my phone. A loving, good night message from Josh and Jelena, as I was getting up to start my day they were ending theirs ! One year ago Mr & Mrs Josh where strangers I had never met now they are my dearest friends. Paul, Paul and Andy are former students - they and so many others - who for years and years I had lost contact with but now they are supporting my vision like crazy. I had never heard of Stewart Bailey until I started working with Radio CRMK.

Jelena and I, actually she likes to be called LENA, have some deep conversations. Yesterday she said she is thirty years old, I corrected her saying she was thirty-one !  We then had a conversation about age and growing old. When I turned forty I lied for several years saying I was thirty-nine.  I explained that now I capitalise on my old age. 
The day after tomorrow I will become sixty-eight years old !

Am I sad about that ?  Am I flipping heck !

BUT I do  some presents to take me through the day and deeper into old age.

I am going to fix that busted page THIS ONE then I am going to approach people direct and invite people to take on different jobs so the music can achieve the vision:  TO MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND SUPPORT GOOD CAUSES.

Hey can you believe it, while I have been writing this page there have been three more text messages of support from JOSH and LENA !

Right time to BUGGER ON if you will excuse the terminology - time to ROCK !

Am I sad, am I miserable, am I feeling sorry for myself ?  Am I +*xxery

Father Christmas Is A Sheffield Wednesday Fan

Father Christmas is a SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FAN - that is official.

I have just broadcast the first Christmas Music Show for 2018 on British Radio !  Did you catch it ?

If you missed it you can CLICK HERE and listen to OWL SANTA play two hours of festive music. Christmas Music on Halloween !

I invited people throughout the show to SPREAD CHRISTMAS LOVE.

By far the most successful project we ran in 2017 was SECRET SANTA. We collected gifts for families who had a child sick in Birmingham Childrens' Hospital which is supported by Ronald McDonald House.

Secret Santa will not only support Birmingham again this year, Birmingham provides pediatric treatment for children from all over the country , but also for Ward Five Childrens Ward in Milton Keynes. As an OWL Santa is insisting his sleigh makes its way to The Steel City and takes gifts to Sheffield Childrens Hospital.

I am NOT playing various tracks of music here on the blog - CLICK HERE for the podcast and the TWO hours of music.

You can read all about SECRET SANTA at this link CLICK HERE !

To take gifts to THREE hospitals this year is ambitious so
SANTA needs your help. drop him an e-mail at 

Secret Santa launches tomorrow.

1st December I will start the 2018 MUSIC ADVENT CALENDAR on YouTube. That was quite a hit so look out for it.

Ahead of that The Geriatric DJ team will be supporting the Christmas Lights switch on in Bletchley on Saturday 24th November.

Who needs Halloween ?  What a load of rubbish ! Today the Geriatric DJ is declaring CHRISTMAS so come and SPREAD THE LOVE now - love for Christmas.

Tomorrow I will be back on the radio at 6am with WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS.

All you need to do is to go to and click on LISTEN. The show starts bright and early.  If you are a sleepyhead the PODCAST will be available from round about 10am !

I have introduced something into my classical music - WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL.

I will play a music track - here's the track I use to play Tuesday's show out - WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL AT CHRISTMAS.

Monday 29 October 2018

Beautiful Music - UGLY OLD MAN !


Born Terrence Nelhams-Wright on 23rd June 1940....
Died 8th March 2003.

Adam hold the record for being the first UK artist to have seven consecutive hits in the Top Five.

This is the first LP record I owned as child. Today it will be
the featured album on my new show on Radio CRMK - MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION

Simply go to and click on LISTEN.

The show airs from 6am to 8am so if you have missed it the PODCAST will be available from about 10am (ish) For all of my shows on podcast CLICK HERE

Guess I had better play something by Adam Faith - here you go...

Although the studio at RADIO CRMK has facilities to play vinyl records I am going to cheat and all of the fabulous music I will broadcast tomorrow will be by the simple to use digital system. For every song, every track I play each week I will have the original vinyl copy in my collection at home.

Adam Faith will be joined by many other great singers. I'll be playing this:

That was the very first piece of music I played on Radio CRMK.

I will also be playing this.

Two rather BEAUTIFUL songs.  If you listened to my show
last Thursday - WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS you will have heard me say how I over use the word BEAUTIFUL on the radio but I am NOT going to stop because I only play BEAUTIFUL MUSIC.

BEAUTIFUL music played for BEAUTIFUL people in a BEAUTIFUL world.  Shame it is played by such an ugly old man !

At the end of today's show I will have broadcast 15 shows with a total time of 30 hours. YES, I am the newbie, my first broadcast hit the air on Wednesday 26th August and here I am with three early morning slots on this fabulous radio station. I have played music all of my life but being a radio dj is new to me.  I LOVE IT !

For the past two years I have played music on YouTube where  I have my own channel. I added this piece of music to the channel in March 2017 and I will be playing it on Thursday.

I have introduced something new to my shows - WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL as I play the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra's HOOKED ON CLASSICS collection.....

Music I play, music my little team shares is designed to make people smile, to be happy then to infect others with smiles of love which will make this a more beautiful world.

Yesterday I added this to my YouTube Channel and will now add it to the website:

Do join me at six o'clock for MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION - simply go to and click on LISTEN.  If you miss the live broadcast it will be on the podcast by about 10am CLICK HERE

Sunday 28 October 2018

Rocking all over the world

Life is a lot more fun if you are silly.

Life isn't worth bothering about if you are not having fun !

Happy, smiling people read today's blog - sad, miserable people re tune to Radio Boring.

How well do you know your doggies ?  Have a bit of fun with our CANINE QUIZ - CLICK HERE !

And how is your knowledge of RETRO POP - HOW CLEVER ARE YOU - CLICK HERE

What about the TV programmes you watched in years gone by ?  CLICK HERE

Where Classical Music meets Rock and Roll.....

Have you enjoyed the music in this week's TOP TWENTY ?

This and a whole lot more can be found on our website, music to make you smile and be happy.....

We launched the website on the world on Saturday morning. We have had friends in 43 different cities, towns and villages in 12 countries check the website. We are indeed Rocking All Over The World.

That's a good start but if we are truly going to make our music work - music here on the blog, music on YouTube, music on this website and music I play on the radio we need
a team around us.

Please do not ignore this request to CLICK HERE - PLEASE.... At the moment our music is being played and listened to by a lot of people but we need to make the music ROCK. To do that we need a TEAM of people. 

From friends who will read this blog page each morning then share it on social media.  Through to giving a few hours on an occasional basis to help at the
various events we want to put on.

Right up to taking on a major management role within The Geriatric DJ.

CLICK HERE and check out the areas of help we need to make our music rock then come and roll with us.  CLICK HERE


Life is a DISCO so DANCE.

Make sure when you go to bed tonight you have had a FUNDAY MONDAY

We have had listeners in California, New York, Utah and Virgina but not yet Tennessee so CLICK HERE and help fix that.

Saturday 27 October 2018

The Geriatric DJ needs some love


3.49am  - I was supposed to be in the studio to do a two hour pre-record ahead of going to the car boot sale.


Fortunately it was a pre-record which can be done another time. I am, however, going to drive up to the studio to sort a few bits for the toilet twining project then I'll
come back, write a bit more for the blog then go to the boot sale.

4.47am and I am back from the studio. I am so warmed by the love and support my fellow radio presenters are giving to the Toilet Twinning project. THANK YOU.  Just one thing..... you are not eating enough of the sweeties I left in the studio !  I helped you out by eating three for my breakfast.

Let's have some music....

This is currently NUMBER 12 in the Geriatric DJ's Top Twenty Chart.


The Eternal Teenager - Josh - called me yesterday afternoon asking if I could drive to his home and give him a lift somewhere. Josh - The Eternal Teenager is, are TWO
people - Josh and Mrs Josh - Jelena.

When I got to picking them up I found they wanted a lift for about a quarter of a mile. Josh smiled, we just wanted to see you and to be with you for a while. They wanted my love and they wanted to give me their love.

This is Josh's favourite song. You should hear him try to fit the word Jelena into Jolene !

I may be The Geriatric DJ the person but The Geriatric DJ as a brand id Josh, Jelena and myself. THAT NEEDS TO
CHANGE - The Geriatric DJ brand needs a lot more people, it needs a lot of love.

This is Jelena's favourite song.


Josh and I are very similar, we both live with our heads in the clouds. We are both married to special people, wonderful ladies who try so hard to keep our feet on the ground.

Both of the above pictures were taken in Stow National Trust

There is something quite unique about Josh, something I
wish so much I could replicate. When he smiles his whole face lights up and sparkles. You have to see it to understand what I am saying.

His face sparkled and crackled with electricity yesterday when we talked about something which will happen in April, the two of us are going to ride the longest aerial zip wire in Europe, a project with Radio Bonkers.

I played that song for a great friend, supporter and music lover PAUL.  Great to see you at the boot sale earlier.


Last week Maureen and I celebrated forty years of marriage. Next Saturday Josh and Jelena celebrate seven years.

Jelena and I from time to time have some very deep and
philosophical conversations. A few days back we talked about the love between a husband and wife, Jelena said if you ask someone why they love another person and they give you a long and detailed explanation then that is not love. The ONLY answer can be:  I don't know why I love him/her I just do.

5.19am - a little more writing then I need to pause and head off to the car boot sale.

It is usual on the daily blog for me to invite you to CLICK HERE and check out certain things within the website I am writing or the
different areas where we play our music. I am not doing that and the various buttons from the website are not linked. We need you not to CLICK HERE but to SHOW LOVE.

You did note my Sheffield Wednesday scarf in that video didn't you.  I NEVER go anywhere without my Sheffield
Wednesday scarf. Josh, Jelena and myself are all SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY OWLS.

5.29am I guess I had better put my Sheffield Wednesday scarf on, get ready and drive down to Bletchley Irish Centre and today's boot sale.

I'll be back in a bit.

11.23am I am home from the boot sale. I was a wimp ! Started setting up in the dark at 6am, hoped it would warm up but it just got colder and colder. Packed up at 10.30am. We made £21.20. Dropped off the cash to Jelena.

Oh heck !  Oh flippin' heck I have just remembered it's my birthday one week today !


I will be 68 years old ! Why is it I still feel 17 years of age ?

This was the number one hit on my seventeenth birthday.  I still play it and people love to listen to it.

68 years old !  Surely not !  There must be a mistake ! THE GERIATRIC DESTRUCTION MOST CERTAINLY NEEDS YOUR LOVE !

11.48am - I am writing today's blog and at the same time
building a playlist for a future edition of my new early morning show - MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION.

I have this and am planning to share it with my radio listeners. I will tell you when it is to be broadcast.

While I am writing and at the same time downloading tracks of music I am also speaking on-line to three friends, supporters and music lovers. ANDY who has so strongly supported our boot sales is coming round with loads of STUFF to sell.

So should I go to the boot sale at Milton Keynes Bowl in the morning ?  We could do with the cash to support our chosen
good causes.

I wonder if love will be on sale at any stall on tomorrow's boot sale ?


The featured album for the show against which I am busy downloading tracks is JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. This is my favourite track:

This will be the next song in the playlist.

NEVER forget that Life Is A Disco So Dance !

I have come up with something special for my Thursday morning show - Wake Up With The Classics. I am calling it WHERE CLASSICAL MUSIC MEETS ROCK AND ROLL,


Are you still reading this page or have you given up ?

12.06 and I have still not published today's blog.  I guess today's page will also have to be tomorrow's page !

Here's something I have in my vinyl collection. It dates from when I was eleven years old. SURELY I am not going to be 68 years old in a week !


Usually I am constantly asking you to CLICK HERE and check out various pages. No CLICK HERE today but a lot of linking buttons throughout the page, linking buttons which go nowhere and do not work !

You have noticed I hope that.................



Let me tell you how to LOVE THE GERIATRIC DJ

First of all The Geriatric DJ I am asking you to love is not
Yours Truly - THE 68 YEAR OLD DISC JOCKEY.... No not at all. The Geriatric DJ I am asking you to love ins NOT Dave, Josh and Jelena. I am asking you to LOVE THE BRAND.

Now here is a CLICK HERE and this works.

Yes, I am still downloading music for that playlist and sharing it with you now. Every track I have the original vinyl version in my collection.

Did you CLICK HERE  ?


If you did CLICK HERE it will take you to The Geriatric DJ website. You will find there more than two hundred hours of music.

CLICKING HERE will also take you to the good causes we support, to OurRebekah and to Radio Love.

You will find Coach Rebekah so lovingly named in her
memory by Shearings Holidays.

You will find the projects running to
support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

You can request a piece of music to be played for you here
on the blog or on the radio,

You can find all about Secret Santa.

1.01pm - Andy has just been round with stacks of stuff for us to sell at the boot sales.

You will never find everything on our new mega website with just a single CLICK HERE!

There are fun music quiz pages. There is music to set your mood every day of
the week.

You can even have a laugh with SILLY OLD MAN FILMS.



There are a few more bits and pieces to add in - GALLERIES and my current book FANTASIES OF A GERIATRIC DJ but we need now to start building up followers for the site.

We need to get traffic to the website up to about one thousand a day. CLICK HERE




1.42pm WOW.   
What time was it I started writing today's page ?
3.49am HECK !

You have CLICKED HERE haven't you ?

I hope you have enjoyed the music. I think I'll probably broadcast this collection the week after next.