Wednesday 24 October 2018

14 countries - 2 hours of music - 1 toilet and LOT OF FUN


I make that fourteen, fourteen countries where I had friends listening to this morning's radio show.  9.30am and I have just returned home from the studio. The podcast of the show is already on-line so CLICK HERE and check it out.

This video filmed was filmed in the studio before I went live to those fourteen countries.


Well life is a lot more fun if you are silly !

So there are the fourteen countries - listen to the podcast for the two hours of music - what about the toilet ?

In a previous video blog I showed you round the studio of Radio CRMK but I did not invite you into the toilet.

The interior of our toilet is amazing. I do not know who designed it but I bet there is not another toilet like it anywhere else in the world.

Have you got over watching my crazy video blog.  Have a look at this.

Today's show was sub-titled NATIONALLY INTERNATIONAL as I played music to celebrate the diversity of this wonderful world we live in.  Between the tracks of music I shared some information about a fictitious global village. Watch the video and find out exactly how many people do not have access to a toilet.

Last week I stumbled across an organisation with the aim: SAVING LIVES ONE TOILET AT A TIME

Click the title and check the website for Toilet Twinning.

At Radio CRMK we are going to twin our toilet with a toilet in UGANDA.

Isn't that fabulous ? 

Why don't you twin your toilet ?

Go on have a bit of fun and help change the statistics I shared on-air today.

I'll be writing a new page within the website to help promote toilet twinning.  Share the blog, get more people to twin their toilet and while you do that you can help me get the total blog
readership to 100,000 by the end of year.

Tune in to Radio CRMK at 6am tomorrow morning - go to and click on LISTEN. I'll be bringing you my Thursday show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS.

Not a toilet in sight I promise you but I will be playing this...........

Life, I promise you, is a lot more fun if you are silly !

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