Saturday 6 October 2018

A tribute to a wonderful voice

I was working at my laptop, writing playlists for future shows when I learned that Montserrat Caballé had died at the age of 85. She died from a gall bladder infection. The world has lost a beautiful voice. Within hours of the news YouTube was flooded with tributes. I want to make today's blog a tribute from myself, my team and my listeners.

I'll start with that fabulous duet with Freddie Mercury - Barcelona.

Here is a tribute which appeared on YouTube very quickly once we knew she had left us.

Here she is with something from Carmen. I played that two week's ago on my show Wake Up With The Classics.

Something from Madam Butterfly.

And now my personal favourite song from my favourite opera, The Brindisi from La Traviata.

To end something Rigoletto.

Bless you for the beautiful music you brought to us. THANK YOU.

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