Wednesday 10 October 2018

An Explosion of Love

YEP, I think yesterday's radio broadcast went off OK. That was how I felt as I powered down the system in the studio.

Then as soon as I left the studio the explosion began !

I had played The Beatles LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED during the show and OMG what love !

There are some amazing people in this beautiful world of ours.

Here's a bit of video blog from yesterday's show. PLEASE have a listen to the podcast - simply CLICK HERE.

During the show I set out to INSPIRE people to support three
causes which are close to my heart, causes I once dismissed without a second thought. I am ashamed of my previous attitude and did not pull any punches as I told people why I have done a complete U Turn in that attitude.

The Food Bank, Loving Our Homeless and Blood & Organ Donation are so important to me.  

I said on air that if just one person did one little thing the entire broadcast would have been worth it. I did not expect the explosion of love that followed.    

Returning home I had a lovely telephone conversation with
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Council about playing music on the day of the town's Christmas lights turn on.  It was such a lovely conversation, I have put Saturday 24th November firmly into my diary.  On Friday I am meeting with Mike from Radio CRMK to talk about a possible outside broadcast from the bandstand.  

That's exciting.

Teddy Bear mascot, Ben, was a homeless and unwanted person until Josh picked him out of a sack of rubbish waiting for the bin men. Now Ben is in the studio every time I broadcast on the radio and when we are on the Bletchley Bandstand playing music to support the Christmas lights switch on Ben will be there.

I went to the HQ of The Food Bank to deliver lots of gifts collected by friends and user groups at West Bletchley Community Centre.  The gifts I took were gifts of love but walking into that warehouse I was covered myself in love.

If you look at the website we are building  you will see that three of us are working on the project. Josh did not have Internet in his home and could not possibly find the money to set it up. BT gave us a system where, without costing a single penny, he could use wi-fi from my own BT account. WOW !

Great ! Have Internet but Josh did not have a computer. He has one now.  After the broadcast a local good cause supporting the homeless gave him one. They also gave Jelena her heart's desire - a vacuum cleaner. When I took it to their home Jelena immediately swept the floor of the entire home. She said: Josh has his toy - this is mine !

Next week I will attend my local blood donor session. Please listen to yesterday's show CLICK HERE to find out what a miserable, pathetic coward I was to only have started giving blood in later life.

If just one person gives one tin to the Food Bank my radio show yesterday will have been worth it.

If one new collection point for The Food Bank is set up from a loving person listening to the show or its PODCAST that will be amazing.

If one person shows love to one rough sleeper as a result of the stories I told on the radio those two house of music will be worth while.

If one person who is not a blood donor signs up to help save lives the show would have achieved so much.

3.40am almost time for me to get dressed and head to the studio to broadcast today's show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS.

This week's featured composer is The Master of The Ballet, Tchaikovsky 

This afternoon Josh, Jelena and I will be working on the website: 

I played this on yesterday's show.

Please listen to the podcast of yesterday's show CLICK HERE  Please visit the website we are building  Help us use music from that website, from our YouTube Channel, From the music we play in the community, from this daily blog page to spread love and make this a better place for us all to live in.

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