Thursday 4 October 2018

Josh is looking for some help

Josh is looking for some help.....

NO, that is not Josh in the picture, this is Anthony the squirrel, not a great picture I admit.

Anthony and his wife, Mrs Anthony aka Cleopatra live in my garden. 

Neither of them are grasshoppers. They are SQUIRRELS.

Josh is not a grasshopper.

You will need to be a grasshopper as I jump all over the place with what I am saying.  Try  to keep up if you can. Go on give it a try and see if you can help Josh help The Geriatric DJ.

 As I write this muddled page this morning I am listening to the podcast from yesterday morning's show. I have the first
movement of Bethoven's 5th Piano Concerto playing in the headphones.

If you fancy having a listen CLICK HERE - yesterday's show is at the top of the list.

So who can help Josh help The Geriatric DJ ?

Yesterday I had listeners in INDIA - FRANCE - GERMANY - SPAIN and ENGLAND.  I hope they enjoyed the music.  I see that a total of 88 people have spent 2,224 minutes listening to the podcasts. SO FAR.

Thank You to all kind people to sent me messages and e-mails saying how much they enjoyed Wednesday's show. The objective to make people smile and infect their smiles on to those they met during the day appears to have been met.

Mrs Josh and I had a powerful, fun but very deep conversation following the broadcast of that show. You can find it in the podcast list in second position. CLICK HERE have a listen then see if you can help Josh.

I have stopped listening to Beethoven, Black Lace is now pounding through the head phones.
Ben is now speaking on the recording, he is introducing Jasper The Carrot and Funky Moped.  SHUT UP BEN - I'll say what the help is Josh needs but I've a lot of jumping about to do first - be patient.

That was the title of my 19th January show when I played wedding song requests for listeners. The day after the show my Mum and Dad celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Here's a pic I took yesterday showing the card Her Majesty sent them.  her Majesty did not send Dad his headgear, her father was king when he got that hat. It dates back to Dad's RAF service is Cairo.

Yesterday the blog total readership since the first edition in January 2017 reached 77,127 with 268 readers yesterday. Strange but only 61 read yesterday's page with the rest dipping into the archive. Somebody will help Josh help the Geriatric DJ won't they ?  Please note GOOGLE GEEKS are screwing up the page formatting AGAIN.  They have destroyed gmail, wrecked YouTube and are now sodding up Blogger.

Mrs Josh is Russian by birth, she was born just before the fall of The Berlin Wall. 

She has childhood memories of the break up of the Soviet Union. She tells how people had plenty of money but there was nothing in the shops to buy so the money was worthless.  You will help her husband won't you ?

Jelena said yesterday that she needed to work on her accent and lose the Russian twang. Simultaneously Josh and I shouted NO - that is part of your character, do not change it.

I really do love my little doggie Jake. It is fun to see him and Anthony eyeballing one another through the window.

Here's Mr and Mrs Josh with Jake.  Jake loved them as they give him treats !  he says: Someone will help Josh won't they ?  On 4th November Josh and Mrs Josh celebrate SEVEN years of being together.

We have an ORIGINAL copy of The Beatles LP HELP.

When Mrs Josh and I were talking about LOVE we were of one mind that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It holds the univers together. We got on to talking about time and space, how the force of love holds everything into place. We were not talking about a sentimental love and not the love of a man and woman but far more.  GOOGLE SCREWING UP THE PAGE FORMATTING AGAIN - I KNOW THERE SHOULD BE A PARAGRAPH BREAK HERE - IF I KEEP TALKING WE WILL GET TO THE END OF THE PICTURE ON THE LEFT AND THE GEEKS WILL ALLOW ME TO APPLY ENGLISH GRAMMAR.

I am listening to the PODCAST again. I am listening to my personal anthem.

You should not disclose a lady's age but perhaps Mrs Josh will forgive me when I tell you she is 31 years old. Josh is 27. Add their ages together and I can still give them TEN years.  Josh may be 27 but looks about 19. That is why I call him THE ETERNAL TEENAGER. This is his anthem...

Josh and Marty Wilde do look so alike.

As Mrs Josh and I talked about space and time, about the way love holds the universe together we started to chat about dejavu.  Josh at that time had gone out to the shops and the bank. Jelena said: I'll just give him a call and see how much longer he will be. As she said that the door opened and he walked in.

A few evenings back I was working on a music playlist, I thought I must call Josh - I'll finish this bit then I'll call him. The moment I had finished I reached for the phone but before I could pick it up it rang. It was JOSH.

Josh, The Eternal Teenager, - YOU WILL HELP HIM HELP THE GERIATRIC DJ WON'T YOU - set out to explain how our brains use radio waves so thought transfer is perfectly possible if love puts people on the same wave length.
This picture of The Eternal Teenager was taken in January, it is the fist picture Josh allowed me to take of him. January 2018, Mr and Mrs Josh were homeless, rough sleeping and
living in a tent. Their lives were at rock bottom with no path to a bright future and a happy life, yet Josh is managing to smile in the picture. (THANK YOU GOOGLE FOR SCREWING UP THE PAGE FORMATTING AGAIN)  

Friday 3rd February, I managed to get Josh and Jelena out of their tent into temporary accommodation.  Now they have their own home and have signed a secure tenancy agreement with Milton Keynes Council. The second picture above shows Josh in the studio of CRMK. It was taken one week after Josh and Mrs Josh left their tent. We were there to appear with The Geriatric DJ as a guest on Mike's show MK TODAY.

Josh loves music, you should hear him trying to fit the name of his wife - JELENA into this song in place of Jolene.

YES, Josh loves music. While he was still rough sleeping in a tent he shared with me his love of music. When I told him of my love of music and how I was using music to make people
smile, be happy and to support good causes Josh said to himself I WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT !  Since that moment Josh, Mrs Josh and The Geriatric DJ have played music at Hillsborough Stadium, the home of Sheffield Wednesday FC. We have played music at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. We have played music at a private family party.  We have played music at so many events supporting good causes I have lost count.

Josh was asked by Ronald McDonald House to receive a cheque on their behalf from Asda Supermarkets. That was at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Someone will help Josh won't they ?

Last week we had a letter from Buckingham Palace thanking us for the wedding wishes we sent from Sunshine Smile Day to Harry and Megan.

Yes, I am The Geriatric DJ but is not ME Josh needs help to support.

NO !

Josh - The Eternal Teenager, Mrs Josh - Jelena and Yours Truly - The Geriatric DJ have combined forces to make a BRAND of the name The Geriatric DJ. Yep, The Geriatric DJ broadcasts two shows a week on RADIO CRMK, this will soon become three shows and before too long the ambition is to extend to five shows, ten hours, of broadcasting a week. RADIO CRMK has been operating for 40 years, it is totally independent of what we three are doing but by my taking music into its studio it is something we are supporting.

Hey look. These pictures of me in the studio were taken by Mrs Josh before I went live. When I did start broadcasting to the world look what she did !  Radio Love will become the arm of The Geriatric DJ brand where we take music out into the community to support good causes.

We have our YouTube Channel and we have this daily blog.
We have the books I have written and am currently writing.  Josh is also writing a book, I have read bits of it and tell you it is AMAZING.  We want to set up RADIO BONKERS where we will do some utterly silly things which good causes can use as sponsored events within their own separate support generating. We have set up THE OLD SQUARE RECORD SHOP as an on-line way to fund our activities. NOT A SINGLE PENNY from what we do will be taken away from the good causes, indeed good causes will manage their own finances, so we need to raise funds to cover our costs.

Our car boot sales will continue.

OurRebekah and the support for Ronald McDonald House Charity will become a part of The Geriatric DJ brand.

Everything we are doing is being wrapped into a website: 

At the moment I am writing the website BUT I am using technology from 2005 !  The only subject I failed at school was art. I am hardly a web developer.  Josh wants to go to an adult education evening course in order to train as a web developer.

For every radio show I broadcast I spend eight hours building playlists and writing the script. When we have taken music out into the community it has always been Josh who prepares the playlists.
I can not begin to tell you how proud I am of Josh and Jelena Morgan. They have come a million miles from that rough-sleeping tent but no magic wand has been waved, they will both tell you they have a zilion miles still to go.

MUSIC lifted Josh out of his situation then set him and his
wonderful wife on the journey they have so far traveled. It will be the BRAND name of THE GERIATRIC DJ that takes them on the next step. When I received that letter from Buckingham Palace earlier in the week I joked it was my knighthood - ARISE SIR GERIATRIC DJ. That is never going to happen but I tell you this COULD happen - ARISE SIR ETERNAL TEENAGER !

Josh needs help !  BT will extend via something called phon my Broadband account to cover Josh and Jelena's home using a hotspot - whatever that is. BUT Josh does not have a laptop. There is no spare cash anywhere to get one for him to use. 

THE BRAND THE GERIATRIC DJ urgently needs Josh to have a laptop.

PLEASE does anyone have a laptop they do not use ?  Is there a business somewhere with a redundant computer in a cupboard gathering dust ? Something this amazing man could use to develop the brand of THE GERIATRIC DJ ? Something he could use to use music to share love ? Something he could use to continue his own life journey ?

DAVE ASHFORD - JOSH and JELENA MORGAN are The Geriatric DJ. Can you help us ?

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