Wednesday 3 October 2018

OMG I am so HAPPY !

I am so happy !  Deliriously happy.  I did not write a blog page yesterday for no other reason than I was too happy !

Isn't life fantastic ?

I am, married to a wonderful lady.  I have some amazing friends and have the best job in the world. NO, not being a retired, silly old man but being able to play music in lots of different places to make people smile and be happy. It's 3.06am and soon I will be live on air with another radio show but first here's some music on our blog page.

Going to bed on Tuesday I set my alarm for 4.15am. The alarm may have gone off, I don't have a clue, I was well into the day by then.

I was in the studio of Radio CRMK by 4.45am ahead of my show at 6am but before then I had rattled the keys of my
laptop with an idea that had come to me in the night. I spent an hour or so on that then could not contain my excitement for the coming show I did not have time to write a blog.  


I may have been in the studio of Radio CRMK but the moment I started it became Radio Totally Utterly Bonkers.

Two hours of absolutely crazy, fun music. HEY listen to the podcast - CLICK HERE and listen to The Geriatric DJ try sing The Combine Harvester Song !

I left the studio BUZZING. Josh had asked me to call into his
home on the way back to Bletchley so we could chat about a couple of bits and pieces. When Jelena, Mrs Josh, opened the door to invite me  in she said it was as if a light bulb was switched on in their hallway. When I left two hours later three giant searchlights were beaming high into the sky.

To help me share my music I have started to write a website: Getting out of bed at the crack of dawn
I drafted out the home page.

I showed the website to Mr & Mrs Josh who immediately caught on to my vision. We are going to bring a whole series of exciting things under the brand name and umbrella of THE GERIATRIC DJ.

If you add Josh and Jelena's ages together they do not equal that of The Geriatric DJ but we work together well, very well.
All three of use threw out ideas to use music in such a way as to make people smile, be happy and make this beautiful world even more beautiful.

There are the shows I broadcast on Radio CRMK.  There are the music events we run under the banner of Radio Love. There is the YouTube channel and the blog I have run since January 2017. There is OurRebekah and its smiles.

All avenues through which we three can use music to help people smile and enjoy life.

Since the first time I met Josh he has been an inspiration to me.  We share a love of music, I am The Geriatric DJ and Josh is The Eternal Teenager. Josh is bringing the inspiration, I will bring my ability to get things done. Jelena is bringing her organisational strengths and common sense to keep Josh and Your Truly in line.

I will continue broadcasting my shows on Radio CRMK. Josh and Jelena will help promote The Geriatric DJ so my music can inspire more people.

Radio Love will take music out into the community to support good causes.

We will expand our place on YouTube.

I will write my daily blog. For the past ten months Josh has been writing a book, I have read bits of this and tell you it is POWERFUL.  He will soon start writing a blog and twin it with my own.

Max Robinson, my writer's pen name will become part what we will be doing.

All three of us will plan a diary of utterly silly things which we will offer to good causes. The good causes can then organise
their own sponsorship within their supporter base for the work they do.

I have a fear of heights, all three of us would like to go to Cornwall, ride the aerial slide at Eden and invite good causes to use this as an activity they can collect sponsorship for.

 I'll grow my hair AGAIN, return to San Francisco and offer a sponsored haircut to all who can use it for their good cause.

On yesterday's radio show I announced to the world that I would ONLY fly Virgin Atlantic if the company agreed to loop the loop with its Dreamliner  high above the Atlantic Ocean.

So this is the plan.

I will finish writing the website by the end of next week. We will then run it by those we are seeking to work with and to support, make adjustments to ensure everyone is completely happy. The three of us will then build our diary of music events. Initially we will aim to have one thousand visitors to the website a week. We will build the visitor profile to one thousand a day.

The three of us are so excited about what we can achieve under the brand name of THE GERIATRIC DJ. Visit the draft website: and see the different ideas we want to develop.

Our boot sales will continue so please keep the STUFF coming for us top sell.

As well as making money to fund the project we will be raising the profile of and telling people all about The Food Bank, families with children in hospital, blood and organ donation. The plight of the homeless is something very dear to all of our hearts.

Josh will be developing an on-line boot sale within the website under the heading of THE OLD SQUARE RECORD COMPANY.
We will have a guest book where friends can tell us all about the music they like to listen to. We will feature this music on the daily blog.

Yesterday was a fantastic day.  I am so excited.  Life is amazing. WATCH OUT THE GERIATRIC DJ IS COMING !

Over the coming days Josh, Jelena and I will share more of our ideas and how we will be using music to make people smile, be happy and make this beautiful world even more beautiful.

THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED WE HAVE TO FILL - I wonder if anyone can help us ?

Josh needs a laptop.

Most of the blog readers know that in January I found a young man begging outside Morrisson's Supermarket. He was homeless and rough sleeping. I gave him £20 and a packet of Mars Bars. I started to visit him, to talk to him and show him a bit of kindness.  When I found that it was not one person who was
down on his luck but two I determined to get them out of their tent.

On Friday 1st February I managed to move Josh and Jelena Morgan into temporary accommodation. Two months ago they moved into their own home.

Without Josh and Jelena Morgan the music of The Geriatric
DJ would be silent.  My dear friends have come a million miles since their tent outside Morrissons but they both admit they have a ZILLION miles to go.

Josh needs a laptop to be able to work on The Geriatric DJ, money does not extend to buying a computer.  Does anyone have one they are not using and do not want ?


3.35am Right now I need to bring this page toan end, get dressed then head off to the studio of Radio CRMK in order to broadcast my show WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS.

To listen live all you have to do is to go to and click on LISTEN.  I will have the podcast on-line by mid-morning. CLICK HERE for all podcasts. To listen to my shows and ALL shows on Radio CRMK go to and click on LISTEN

Total readership for the blog since it started in January 2017 has just hit 76,825.  My podcasts have now been listened to 86 times with 2,224 minutes being played.  Google Analytics is tracking the new website I've just looked expecting to find that mine is the only computer to have looked at the website.  How the flippin' heck have TWO people in CHINA found it ?

China is ahead of us in time isn't it ?  It's the end of their day so let me play something from an area of the website we will be developing, play it now for our friends in China.

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