Saturday 13 October 2018

Society is dysfunctional

Never trust a word The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation says !

Look at this spectacular rainbow over The Irish Centre yesterday. AH, where there is a rainbow there is rain yet The BBC said fine weather and sunshine all day.  Lies !  I rained.  I was soaked and we made next to zero money.

Money from our boot sales cover costs of what we are doing and put some money into the pockets of Josh and Jelena,
There is more to taking someone away from rough sleeping and being homeless than putting a roof over their head. As you read this page my friends have no electricity in their home, their pay-as-you-go electricity has run out. They have nothing to eat.  Months of frustration with the benefit system still is not giving them their entitlement.  The money they do have is locked in a bank which has repeatedly failed to provide a card !

Yesterday I spent the afternoon working on a project to support the one organisation which is currently helping my friends. What I really like about Helping MK Homeless is the low profile attitude it adopts when it comes to itself yet it is so in tune with the situation, understand the causes so well and is solidly working to help. CLICK HERE and look at what I am trying to set up.

In contrast I would NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS support The Salvation Army.  When my former student, Jimmy, died homeless and rough sleeping in Milton Keynes I gave money to The Salvation Army in his memory. Now, every month I receive begging e-mails and letters from this orgnisation trying to guilt-trip me into giving more money. I can not remember exactly how much money I gave, £50 ? - £100 ?  I don't know but what I do know is much of the money I did give has been swallowed up in administration. It has NOT been used to help the people I gave it for.

When I started the OurRebekah fund raising for Ronald McDonald House Charities not a single penny of the £4,000 raised was used in covering costs, I covered every single penny myself. As the fund raising developed I pointed the support to one specific house, Birmingham, where I could see exactly where the money was being spent and spent well.

A charity I do support with a passion is THE FOOD BANK.  This is a brilliantly well run organisation which is meeting a vital need in our society, 

When we are involved in the Bletchley Town Christmas Lights Switch On we will be supporting The Food Bank. CLICK HERE for the information.

I never have and I never will support The BBC Children In Need extravaganza.  I see it as an ego-tripping event which NEVER properly tells people what it does with the millions it collects. How many of the over paid BBC staff involved in the television event give a significant sum from their pockets to this charity ?

As Christmas approaches every charity will be out asking for money.  I would ask you to think carefully before you give anything. 

The charities which shout the loudest and spend the most money on advertising I will never support. The ones which quietly get on with what they are doing, do not ego trip but openly tell you where your money is used I will back to the hilt.

There is more to support than money. FAR MORE. On Saturday 24th November I am NOT asking for money I am asking for HELP. CLICK HERE. It is easy to give money, it is not so easy to get off your backside and DO SOMETHING PRACTICAL. 26 people clicked that link yesterday but only ONE has actually signed up to help. Early days, I so much hope we can get the SUPPORT needed,

On Wednesday I will be attending my local blood donor session.  I will be giving my 21st pint of blood. On the radio, on the blog, on the website I will be telling anyone and everyone who will listen about my donating blood.

NO, this is not an ego trip !  I will be telling people how ashamed of myself I am. It is my ambition to live long enough to donate fifty pints of blood. I was first asked to donate in 1973 when I was  a student. The
college matron had just donated her 50th pints. I was a miserable, pathetic coward and refused to suffer the pain of having a needle stuck in me. NO WAY.

I hate myself for what I did, or rather did not do.  If I had not been such a pathetic
individual next Wednesday would be my 135th pint !

It costs NOTHING to be a blood donor.

SUPPORT is not always about money.

In my youth we used to sing what were called protest songs. We protested against the way society was operating and looked forward to a better future.

The whole hippie movement was about an alternative society where love and peace ruled over selfishness, hate and war.

Have we built a better society ?  Have we heck ! 2018 is every bit as dysfunctional as 1968 !

Where are the protest songs of 2018 ?  They do not exist. We have removed caring from society and replaced it with something I want nothing to do with.


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