Sunday 21 October 2018

40 years - 53 messages - hours of music

Forty years ago yesterday a newly married couple drove down to Padstow in Cornwall to spend their honeymoon. We drove down in a battered Morris Mini Minor.

Today that same couple drove from where we are staying in Devon to Padstow to remember that day and to celebrate our Ruby Wedding Anniversary. This time we drove down in our slightly more comfortable Jag.  

Here we are outside the house where we spent our honeymoon.


We were married in Freeman Methodist Church Bletchley.
The service was conducted by George Ridley and the organ was played by Don Capp.

As the packed church waited for the bride to arrive Don played this on the organ

I had recently received a meteoric promotion to Head of Year at Leon School and regarded myself as a wizz-kid. Maureen was the sensible one.

I am still a wizz-kid, chasing dreams every bit as fast as I did in younger days and Maureen is still the sensible one doing all she can to keep my feet on the floor.

Earlier in the year I was asked by a very dear friend if I thought it was best to let your head rule your life or your heart. Without hesitation I said HEART then added let your head try to catch up.


people sent us messages of congratulations on
Facebook, so many of them my former students from my days at Leon School. THANK YOU.

But we were only celebrating forty years. A few weeks ago my Mum and Dad celebrated SEVENTY years !

This was number one on the day they were married and I played it on the radio for them.

This was number one on the day we were married.

NO, I am not planning to play that on any of my shows next week but I have been known to slip it into the playlist.

The day before yesterday we drove down to The Eden project where I found some words which made me change the entire playlist for next Wednesday's show. The music The Geriatric DJ was going to play will now be pushed into November.

I always give my LET'S INSPIRE Wednesday morning shows a sub-title. The next show will be called Nationally International. RADIO CRMK, being an internet radio station, has a wide international audience. I thought I would play some tracks for listeners round the world who tune in not only to my music but to the shows from my fellow presenters.

I bet you have never heard Zorba's Dance played like this before.

NO I am not planning to play anything from San Francisco and believe it or not I am not playing anything from The Steel City.

I think the managers at The Eden Project missed something from their rainbow village.

While I have been away I have managed to do a bit fore the new website. Earlier this morning bright and early I wrote this page - PLEASE CLICK HERE.

If you want to check out any of my recent shows the podcasts are available so just CLICK HERE.

When the website is finished there will be about 


for you to listen to and to enjoy.

Who would have thought that wizz-kid young man from forty years ago would end up as radio's Geriatric DJ !

Shall I play something else from Wednesday's show ?

I know, let me play something which will also be part of the good cause area on the website.Listen to the music then CLICK THE BONKERS PROJECT.

Can I twist your arm to take part ?  Contact me via the website 

For my Thursday show this week's featured composer will be Edward Elgar or should I say SIR EDWARD ELGAR.

When I received that recent letter from Buckingham Palace I thought it was my knighthood - ARISE SIR GERIATRIC DJ but it was from Harry and Megan about Sunshine Smile Day.

I know that Harry would thoroughly approve of the featured style of music to be played on WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS on Friday 8th November. No featured composer that day but I will open the show with this:

YES I did say NO music from San Francisco. Although the musical Hair is not actually set in San Francisco it should be.

In April this year The Geriatric DJ was the only hippie in Golden Gate Park ! No I am not planning to be in San Francisco next year but once my hair has grown I'll be back the year after.

So what has The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius to do with classical music. You will have to wait and see.  I will also be playing this.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I will be driving back home from Devon but starting on Tuesday 30th October there will be a third early morning radio show from The Geriatric DJ - MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION.

Be warned I have a collection of over four thousand records.

Each week I will feature an album I have. For the first show it will be ADAM - Adam Faith so let's have something from him shall we ?

Once that third early morning show has bedded in I will book-
end everything with two more shows.

No. actually I did not buy Maureen a Diamond Ring forty years ago. She gave me a DIAMOND LIFE and I love her to bits.

It is now 4.01am on Monday 22nd October. I wrote the above text before I went to bed last night. I am now up and finishing the page.

Before I went to sleep I watched a DVD, the first act of The Nutcracker performed by The Bolshoi Ballet Company. Tonight I will watch the second act.

So does that mean listeners can expect ballet music in the new Monday show ?

OF COURSE !  It is, after all, Monday Music Mega Mix....................

There are two things which add a bit of sparkle to my life. One is The Ballet and the other.... well Sheffield Wednesday Football Club !

The Sheffield Wednesday page on our website is FULLY
operational CLICK HERE

So is the page supporting The Food Bank CLICK HERE

What was the very first piece of music I played on Radio CRMK ?

It was this.

And what was the last song played on my last show. It was Handel's Water Music.

What will be the first piece of music to be played on my next
show ?

Not sure I should tell you.

Oh, go on.  It will be this.

6am Wednesday - go to and click on LISTEN. For the lazy people among you the podcast will be available by about 10am. For all podcasts CLICK HERE

Saturday 3rd November will be my birthday. The Geriatric DJ will be 68 years old. 

Will you be giving me a birthday gift ?


Go to our Secret Santa web page CLICK HERE and give me a gift for Santa to take to a family with a child sick in hospital.

The music I play on the radio, soon to be TEN hours a week, the music on this daily blog page which we are targeting to have had 100,000 listeners by Christmas, our YouTube
music AND on the website we are building is designed with a single purpose...


After all Life is a DISCO so DANCE

When beck was very ill and I was taking her to hospital appointments in Oxford she would say Dad, I don't mind if you play your music !  Mind or not she knew I would play it anyway.

Earlier this year I had the CEO of Ronald McDonald in my car. he was a clever man who had researched me before we met. He looked at all the CDE's scattered across the car and said: Yes, what they say about you is right - you do love music.

What's all this toilet stuff that has started to appear on the page ?

I'll tell you in a bit.  Life is a lot more fun if you are silly !

Today, the last full day of our holiday, we are going to drive across Dartmoor to the prison. let's hope they do not keep
me in !  there is a fantastic place to eat just across the road.

Here's my Sheffield Wednesday scarf tied to the bars of a cell in Alcatraz.

And below is a pic of Yours Truly with a former Alcatraz prisoner.

He is autographing his book for me.

Books.... yeh well I am a published author. CLICK HERE for the web page listing some of my current publications. ALL of them have music in them somewhere.

Dartmoor Prison ?  Alcatraz Island ?  I guess there is only one song I can play at this point. It has to be 10cc...


Hang on be patient. I will tell you in a bit but in our Rainbow Village 37 out of the 100 residents will have no access to a proper toilet.

Rainbow Village - I am not a fan of Cilla, I seldom play her music but I do like this.

Driving down to Devon on Friday I stopped at a service station to visit the little boys room. I found that the service station had twinned each of its toilets with one in Africa.  I checked out the website of the organisation running this project - CLICK HERE and have a look. 

I think it would be great if we added this toilet twinning project
to the good causes we support with our music.  I want to see how many toilets we can twin with loos in UGANDA.

No, I do not have any toilet music to play but how about this ? It has NOTHING to do with toilets I promise you. or does it ?

That track has a playing time of 9 minutes 51 seconds.  i will let you into a radio secret - when a DJ plays a long track live on the radio he has done it so he can go to the loo !  In the loo at radio CRMK there is a notice telling
presenters to be quick !

Well it's 5.05am. I had better wrap up today's page and publish it.  I guess this is the longest blog I have so far written.  I hope you enjoy the music. I'll catch you live on the radio first thing on Wednesday morning.  I'll leave you with the greatest piece of music ever written, I have said that a few hundred times have I not ?

Live your life like a BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER.

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